How can I change the text for "Announcement". I want to call this "Sticky"*



  • edited April 2013

    I was able to enable it after some modifications but it does not do what you want. Actually I am not sure either, looks like it was for the vanilla before the one we are using. I changed everything to match the stuff for this version and it enabled but not sure what it does really . will look into it.

    here is the default for that plugin in a zip in case you run into what it does

  • I don't know too... Uploaded, enabled, reloaded and got the notification "Your config is not writable" ... it's because this plugin?

  • edited April 2013

    No you need to have permissions to read write and execute on that file.

    Check that the permission to the config allow for this settings need to be 775

    In your panel look for the permissions button and see what each have.

  • /conf/config.php 0775

    It's not showing more... just once.

  • you should be able to unless your host has restrictions of ownership? who is the owner server host or user? is this the first time you try to write to the config?
    try 777

  • If you are unsure just remove the plugin from the dashboard it has a remove button

  • I'm not unsure, i'm just asking :) It's not dangerous to set permissions for config.php to 777?

  • edited April 2013

    it is not advisable to leave them that high. You will only do it to see if you can get access to write or erase things from it. If you can't even if the permissions are that high then it is a problem with your host. And return to 775 or less. My conf directory has 755 and the config 775

  • @vrijvlinder you can't use a vanilla 1 plugin on vanilla 2. They are not comparable.

    Besides, this plugin isn't goign to change the announcements feature.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 Oh I know trust me, plus it is not a plugin it is an extension .That actually goes in the core not plugins. I think plugins that are from 2006 should be expunged. or archived. Or modified if they still could be useful.

    It was the announcement like the one that comes with vanilla 2.0 . So offers no new features even if it worked.

    Was interesting to me that I actually got it to enable by changing all the innards to what we use in 2.0 but it does not do what DogHam was looking for.

  • @vrijvlinder that was a Vanilla 1 plugin which you tried to bodge.

    Experiment if you like, but it is not a good idea to 'try out' these experiments on others, without fully understanding what you are doing.

    There is a phase called cargo cult programming

    I'm not trying to be rude, but there is risks attached. It is just not a good idea. Some people are running critical infrastructure, with active user base. People take advice at face value, they don't know your experience level.

    If someone is asking a question, they are assuming that it is to do with that rather than a side project.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 Yes very true, I think he was willing to try ,It is a new install they have and are learning about how it all works. I tested it on my system before hand after I modified it.

    You are not being rude at all, you are right and I appreciate it. I will keep my experimenting to myself. I was hoping it worked for something.

    On the other hand, I did warn him it may not work and that I was not sure it would do anything at all being it was so old. I probably should have said not to even bother with such an old thing.

  • SrggamerSrggamer ✭✭✭

    @vrijvlinder said:
    x00 Oh I know trust me, plus it is not a plugin it is an extension .That actually goes in the core not plugins. I think plugins that are from 2006 should be expunged. or archived. Or modified if they still could be useful.

    It was the announcement like the one that comes with vanilla 2.0 . So offers no new features even if it worked.

    Was interesting to me that I actually got it to enable by changing all the innards to what we use in 2.0 but it does not do what DogHam was looking for.

    I would rather strip the code down to a skeleton and add some new bones to it.

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