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[GitHub #841] Ban List next page results showing nothing

edited August 2013 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

When I click next page in "Ban List" no results are displayed. Results are only being displayed on page 1. I should have more one page 2. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



  • Any Ideas?

  • not an idea for fix...

    but to see full list of users displaying roles - you could try one of the memberslist plugins

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Do you think the issue resides in the .php pages?

  • I haven't investigated. obviously something is a bit odd, otherwise you wouldn't have the problem. check github, see if there is an issue and file if there isn't.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I did file it on Github a while ago but no hits or responses. Very odd. I guess I could just check the database the data is written to.

  • Did anyone find a solution to this? I'm running version I had a look on Github but nothing?

  • @nige1 You need to update for security reasons.

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  • Same problem here. I guess the entry is there in the database since a repeat entry is showing error. But somehow the page 2 is not listing the details

  • Turn on debugging and figure out which SQLs are executed for page 1 and page 2. After that we can say a bit more on what to do. I only have 'Banning', but that might be my Vanilla version.

    You guys want to see the list of banned users, right?

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • @VanillaDroid, @somesh, did you ever pull up the debug reports for these pages?

  • Hello, I'm still having an issue with this next page of the ban list. I've upgraded to version (thx @hgtonight) thinking that would solve the problem but it hasn't. I've turned on the error logging in the config.php file but it's not actually erroring (eg no bonk page). I could echo out the mysql query if I knew where to look - does anyone have any ideas?

  • 50sQuiff50sQuiff ✭✭
    edited August 2013

    @nige1, enable the Debugger plugin. That will output all DB queries at the bottom of the page.

  • Is there a way to output the MySQL query? I've found the code in class.settingscontroller.php line 276 - $BanModel->GetWhere(array(), 'BanType, BanValue', 'asc', $Limit, $Offset)->ResultArray(); - In codeignitor I usually use '$this->db->last_query()' but this isn't working (Fatal error: Call to a member function last_query() on a non-object in /applications/dashboard/controllers/class.settingscontroller.php on line 278).

  • nige1nige1 New
    edited August 2013

    thank you @50sQuiff

    The below seems to be the issue. For some reason it's adding in '380' into the MySQL query.

    According to the debugger the function called is Gdn_Model->GetWhere(Array(),'BanType,BanValue','asc',20,20)

    but the output is below:

    select Ban.*, iu.Name as InsertName
    from GDN_Ban Ban
    left join GDN_User iu on Ban.InsertUserID = iu.UserID
    order by BanType, BanValue asc
    limit 380, 20;

    Where is the '380' coming from? Screen grab attached.

  • Can anyone help me with the above?

  • Are you seeing this in the dashboard, at /dashboard/settings/bans?

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  • Hello @hgtonight - yes that's correct: dashboard/settings/bans

  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    edited August 2013

    I see the error in logic, I believe you have found a bug. Let me check some more things.

    EDIT: This is apparently a known bug.

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  • This is fixed in 2.1+. Since it isn't particular easy to backport those changes, you can use the attached diff to update your ban list to page properly.

    Use at your own risk. Modifying core files is not recommended!

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  • Awesome - thanks @hgtonight - that did the trick nicely....

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