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javascript console mess up my dashboard



  • DenisSDenisS ✭✭

    ok will do

  • DenisSDenisS ✭✭

    I tried the plugins and nothing, they were all enable before all was ok.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited July 2013

    why would you install javascript console? it is native to chrome

    you can't expect third party plugin not to cause problems, occasionally.

    "This extension is no longer under active development. Once I found out that you could just hit Shift + Enter to start a new line in Chrome's Native JavaScript console, the need for this extension vanished entirely."

    grep is your friend.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited July 2013

    Did you re-copy the vanilla core to the forum that doesn't work correctly, maybe a core file or js get messed up.

    -Debugging Checklist

    change theme to default
        if problem goes away - check your theme for errors
        if problem still occurs
            disable plugins one by one
        if problem is fixed - identify plugin and post question under offending plugin
            if problem still occurs, download core files again.
            - if problem still occurs (no plugins and default theme) , file issue on github.
            - if problem is fixed - you made a change to core that caused the problem.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • DenisSDenisS ✭✭

    @x00 said:
    why would you install javascript console? it is native to chrome

    you can't expect third party plugin not to cause problems, occasionally.

    I didn't install it I think it piggy back on something when installing Google data feed.
    That's the only thing i could think of.
    It did not show up on my installed app's, then i found it and the message you you put here.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited July 2013

    I didn't install it I think it piggy back on something when installing Google data feed.

    that's even scarier.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • ok @DenisS , I am in the dashboard and I see you have several issues.

    The biggest is the pockets plugin, if you disable it everything returns to normal. I disabled it for you. You need to check what you put in the pockets because that is what is messing you up. There are several plugins you have enabled which may conflict with each other. Make sure you disable the ones you are not using.

    Problem Solved , the pockets plugin puts it in the dashboard too unfortunately so you must be careful what you put in the pockets so you don't mess up the dashboard.

  • Gee, what a shocker. So disabling all plugins would have solved it? Thanks for finding that out @vrijvlinder. At least it wasn't a CSS issue (directly).

    If Vrijvlinder thinks it's a pockets plugin bug, let's see if a bug report can be created.

    Patience button & kudos for Vrijvlinder!

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited July 2013

    I said:
    disable "ALL your plugins" and see if you have the problem. and see if you have a problem.

    V said: Disable all the plugins and re enable one by one until you find the cause.

    I said:

    change theme to default
    if problem goes away - check your theme for errors
    if problem still occurs
    disable plugins one by one
    if problem is fixed - identify plugin and post question under offending plugin
    if problem still occurs, download core files again.
    - if problem still occurs (no plugins and default theme) , file issue on github.
    - if problem is fixed - you made a change to core that caused the problem.

    @DenisS said:
    I tried the plugins and nothing, they were all enable before all was ok.

    so this apparently was not true!

    disabled plugins would have been something. problem disappeared.

    Hard to solve a problem if you don't get the right answers or you need to become the admin (right V).and do it yourself :).

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited July 2013

    A good thing V does house calls. many doctors just stay in the clinic.

    V you are a A doctor with patients and patience.

    A little song
    (say each capital letter aloud)

    V! R! J! V! L! I!  N! D! E! R!  double V and what do you get, vrijvlinder  
    in bad with your css
    got yo'self in terrible  me-ss
    rogue plugin making you sad
    it's getting worse before it gets bad
    got a dilemma
    that's an anathema
    need some healin'
    from that down low feelin'
    call the good doctor
    she got patients
    and all the right patience
    She got the Patience!
    She got the Patience!
    repeat above stanza
    They call her the Healer
    They call her the Healer.
    Don't know firebug from a ladybug.
    Don't know php from the A&P
    Call the Doctor
    call the Doctor
    yea! V

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited July 2013

    Gee, what a shocker.


    So disabling all plugins would have solved it?

    I thought about doing that , but Denis has all the plugins installed lmao , I suspected the pockets because of all the stuff in the dashboard. So that is the only one I disabled.

    Yes there should be a way to not render the pockets in the dashboard. Like to be able to remove the settings controller from the all list.

    VrijVlinder thinks it is not a bug just need to remove that controller from the all list or specify not to show if in settings controller

    public $Locations = array(
          'Content' => array('Name' => 'Content'),
          'Panel' => array('Name' => 'Panel'),
          'BetweenDiscussions' => array('Name' => 'Between Discussions', 'Wrap' => array('< li >', '< /li >')),
          'BetweenComments' => array('Name' => 'Between Comments', 'Wrap' => array('< li >', '< /li >')),
          'Head' => array('Name' => 'Head'),
          'Foot' => array('Name' => 'Foot'));

    Because these up there don't specify what panel or content

    then there is this

     $Sender->SetData('LocationsArray', $this->GetLocationsArray());
          $Sender->SetData('Pages', array('' => '('.T('All').')', 'activity' => 'activity', 'comments' => 'comments', 'dashboard' => 'dashboard', 'discussions' => 'discussions', 'inbox' => 'inbox', 'profile' => 'profile'));

    Possibly removing the dashboard from the array might fix it ? I will test it and see

  • @peregrine said:
    V you are a A doctor with patients and patience.

    V, you are the V-doc!

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • I updated the vrijvlinder song a few comments above.!

    download it now and sing it in times of need.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Oh come now , if only I could be as good with tougher problems of people like banner placement ....and file manager discovery ;)

    I love you guys !! p I'm working on the hit single for that song we speak lol

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited July 2013

    oh never mind.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited July 2013

    @DenisS and anyone interested:

    You can keep content from pockets from showing up in the dashboard by using this css and put it in the admin.css file But you need to remember to give your content the class pocket or any other name but I chose pocket , example:

    < p class="pocket" > the content you are adding would go here< /p >

    then your css would go in admin.css and look like this


  • DenisSDenisS ✭✭

    I never done any with the code as you suggested ( didn't quite understand ) also I wanted to satisfy myself what when wrong and why. I never found out why it happened after the javascript console install. As all the pockets were ok before.
    I have had another look at why it happened and reinstalled the pockets one by one and and the one that is causing the messed up dashboard is the Paypal Donate code: It was install a long time ago and never had any effect before. Why it is now is a mystery to me!

    If you like us help us no minimum
  • DenisSDenisS ✭✭

    I have just reinstalled the paypal code without any alterations. In pockets If i select to show on all pages the error occurs. if i select discussions only all is ok don't know why but that whats happens on all my forums.

  • DenisSDenisS ✭✭

    Thanks to everybody for their help and suggestions

  • DenisSDenisS ✭✭

    Here's the paypal code if your interested to see

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