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Ported my 11 Years old Phpbb and testing... ;)

Hi there Vanilla People...
Ported my old Forum to Vanilla and playing around with it... its really amazing and easy...
But as always in the beginning, there are some Questions:
The biggest Reason for moving 2 Vanilla was to achieve the look & Feel of Facebook, cause the new generation of Internet Users (at least my new Members.. ) have enormous Problems with the old style PhpBB forum... don't ask, I'm shocked as well...
I spend some days with Vanilla and the Plugins and must say, thats coming near to my goals..
Here my questions:
- its crucially necessary to give my users easy and working Mobile access.
The basic Mobile style is doing this purpose, however the ImageUpload Plugin has problems getting the Pictures, as from the Gallery or from the Cam of my Android Tablet & phone as follows:
a. Android ICS on Phone with Opera and stock Browser not working
b. Android JB on Tablet with Opera not working
c. Android JB on Tablet with Stock browser working (puts in an URL Link) !!
Will test IPhone soon..
I would like the easiness of Whatsapp here...
- Is it possible to get the Discussions like in Facebook in DESCENDING DATE ORDER and the Editor on the top?
Thanx for any Help on this...
Dr. Sommer
Mobile support of image uploads is sporadic anyway, regardless of what software you are using for your forum. It is either no support or a million different methods all with their own quirks.
It is not helped by the mobile camera culture meaning that people now expect to upload huge images with no pre-formatting, and expect it to be pre-formatted in browser, or totally naive about the whole thing.
Reversing the order of the discussion is possible with hooks.
You could make the theme hook with that in.
To place the comment box on the top, could either be done with javascript/jquery or you make a copy of
and place it inviews/discussion/
The bit after the bottom pager, would then be moved to above the top pager.
How well it will work in practice I'm not exactly sure.
grep is your friend.
I'm sorry, I didn't mention, that I'm an absolute Beginner in programming... 
After spending HOURS of searching, i found this on "Theme Hooks":
It was a little bit confusing, because i was searching in the Documentation and the Output was from the Community... is there e glitch in the Search function, or did i miss something?
I red this post:
and then I searched with google and found this:
Now I'm totally confused, because in the first post the "class.MyThemeNamethemehooks.php" is in the theme folder, but in the Documentation it says plugin folder...
Tried both, nothing is working...
that could also be because of the lack of programming skills...
so do I do it so (the name of my Theme is EnigmaGreen):
File Name = class.EnigmaGreenthemehooks.php (where to put it? )
Hope somebody can push me in the right direction..
p.s.: also the formating of this post is not working... it looks fine in preview, but then the formating dissapears after post...
(Using Opera Browser)
Welcome to the community!
You can use
before and after to preserve whitespace.You should put your theme hooks file in your themes folder, e.g.
.Search first
Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.
Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.
Image uploading does work in iOS 5+ because Apple added it to Mobile Safari in that version. Android will be as varied and splintered as the platform is. Unfortunately that's not something we can control, it's entirely the browser's functionality effecting that.
File Name =class.enigmagreenthemehooks.php
Put it in /themes/EnigmaGreen/
Yes, that's perfect.
There was an error rendering this rich post.
Thanks everybody for your Help, i really appreciate it..
But still no luck.. ;(
Now i get this error (immediately after activating the theme) :
(FYI: changed Theme to "Grayscale Green"
Looking through the Internet and as the error says, i have to abstract either the class, or "implement the Method"...
if i abstract the class, i get this error (this error comes only when i try to open one discussion!):
and i couldn't find anything to explain me how to "implement the Method"...
As mentioned, I'm an absolute beginner but I'm trying..
try another theme
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
Did it on 2 Themes: Grayscale Green and EnigmaGreen... will now check out the default Theme..
p.s.: Same errors... ;(
try one of mine , GreenGlass is cool and it has a matching mobile theme GreenGlassMobile
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
@Dr_Sommer this isn't to do with the theme I'd recommend using
extends Gdn_Plugin
rather thanimplements Gdn_IPlugin
btw themehooks can be topical e.g.
you can also have more than one themhook file.
grep is your friend.
@vrijvlinder: Yes, its a really nice one...
But the same errors... ;(
Thanks, now there are no errors, but also no effect... the order is still Ascending..
Tried with 2 Themes, Grayscale Green and default...
If you like to see it:
I think I should reconsider this Ordering thing.. it seems to break the Philosophy of the vanilla Forum software, when it is so hard to get it working...
sorry I looked deep in bowels the comment model and this should be the code
note the OP is still at the top. But it can be moved. You can't use plugins like voting as they also change the order.
grep is your friend.
certainly you would have to experiment whether it is really worth it. But it is certainly possible.
If you want the blog style. make the OP stand out, and the comments in a different style. Then you can place the comment box in-between the Op and the comments.
grep is your friend.
@X00: Thanks very much for your help, but still no result... still ordering Ascending order...
Tried different combinations of "c.DateInserted" "desc" and "c.CommentID", no luck
in PhpMyAdmin the sorting is functioning as expected, with just sorting "DateInserted":
noooooo clue....

I have to go deeper on this "CommentModel", found this:
but no solution for me...
Never give up...
You are using Voting plugin. this already changes the order, which it is why is not working.
grep is your friend.
ARGHH!! YESS!!! That was the Problem!! Didn't think about that!!
THANK YOU sooooo much, x00.... it works as described...
I'll now try the rest of your suggestions above..
OKeee...... i think i came a good way further...
here the (maybe) last two Questions before finishing porting:
I think that would then be it.... finished porting..
Thanx in advance...
I'll try to put some text for others about my Problems and Solutions, thanks to you...
this will hide the "new" part
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
In the Vanilla Wiki please. I'll help when email is not sent from Wiki, etc.
Extra question for you. Do you want to turn on rewrite Urls? See if your site still works then. Nothing special, just see if you think it looks better that way.
There is a mysql table. For every user you have to give an entry for every discussion. So if you have 1000 users and 1000 discussions you will get ... 1 million records.
I would enable the 'AllViewed' plugin and let the users do it themselves.
It's pure CSS what you need to do to move the panel.
Check out my themes. They are really simple. I have 1 theme with the 'panel' on the left and one theme with the 'panel' on the right. You can compare the 2 CSS files and see what you need to do. Big chance V-Doc will stop by to help a little.
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Let me quote myself:
You can also 'Archive' the discussions, so if your users wish to read old discussions, they just go there. Nothing like a fresh, clean, completely read forum.
Last thing. Check your 'Discussion' and 'Comment' tables. What is the value in the 'Format' columns? Will you be using ButtonBar and Markdown?
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