How to stop profiles page to get indexed in search engines

Hi All,

I did put my robot.text file in root with dissallow profile page but still its indexable how I can stop my profile page to get indexed in google .
one more thing my discussion pages are not indexable as I have checked with SEO Doctor plugin for firefox any help please ?


  • you could possibly add some jquery similar to this but not all the links to the profile use the same class all the time. Some times it is .Author a and others span.LastCommentBy a etc

        <script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function(){
  • Not sure a jquery fix would help as it would require the crawler to run JS to see the modified links.

    Good thought though. :D

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  • labastrolabastro New
    edited September 2020


    I am also looking for a simple way to add a nofollow attribute for profiles links in topics lists pages (for Vanilla 3.x):

    Thank you for your help.

  • ianw5555ianw5555
    edited September 2020

    Just add the no index and/or no follow tags to the profile page

     <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">

  • Thank you @ianw5555 for your answer.

    I have already done this, but I would like to prevent search engines from following these links (in order to not to see false errors in the Google search console, for example).

  • ianw5555ianw5555
    edited September 2020

    Do you mean that you want these (internal) links to be nofollow?

  • labastrolabastro New
    edited September 2020

    Yes, exactly! 😉

    I think this link is made here, in /applications/vanilla/views/discussions/helper_functions.php:

    echo ' <span class="MItem LastCommentBy">'.sprintf(t('Most recent by %1$s'), userAnchor($last)).'</span> ';
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