Vanilla 2.1b2 released



  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited November 2013


    Bear in mind this is a beta release and, whilst many people are using it successfully, it is not yet released for production sites.

    If you are at all unsure, you should stick with the latest stable release.

    If you still want to have a go, this thread may be of use:

    If you do use it, please be prepared to report issues you find on Github, to help the team to improve it further.

  • Im a techie.... new to vanilla though.... and some of additional abilities are critical to me, so im ready to go to prod with it (but with a rollback plan)

  • jens1seojens1seo
    edited November 2013

    @jackjitsu said:
    Are there upgrade instructions somewhere?

    Or do you treat this like a full fresh install again and use the import tool?


    I did a full fresh install. Worked good for me

  • @Lincoln said:

    We know. Please assist us by 1) testing the heck out of this release under many different environments and scenarios and 2) submitting pull requests (against the 2.1 branch) for issues tagged for the milestone '2.1'. We have no ETA for final release or moving to RC. I would expect to have a beta 3.


    Instead of making lot of features for next version, which is actually forcing for beta3, how about releasing versions with constant interval with less features?

    It will be easier to debug and test.

  • @mahesh said:
    Instead of making lot of features for next version, which is actually forcing for beta3, how about releasing versions with constant interval with less features?


    t will be easier to debug and test.

    Most of those are fixes, not features.

    There a constant interval it is called alpha testing. Beta testing, you put together in a semi stable release.

    The time between 2.1b1 and 2.1b2 was short.

    It they had 10 different betas being tested a the same time it wouldn't make it easier for them.

    grep is your friend.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited December 2013

    when upgrading to vanilla 2.1b2 from vanilla

    beware the mobile theme has a mobile/views/discussions/helper.php in vanilla

    whereas the mobile theme does not have a mobile/views/discussions/helper.php in vanilla 2.1b2

    this can lead to different things happening depending on whether your are installing a new version in a new folder vs. installing over the existing vanilla folder.

    there may be other instances of this.

    just one more reason - not to have views or helper_functions in your themes. because when you change versions things will go awry. (default.master.tpl with themehooks is the way to go.)

    see item #2 in comment

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • YoJoeYoJoe New
    edited December 2013

    [Split Please] Hello
    I've got couple questions in regards of v2.1b.
    Be aware that I've spent about 3-4 hours searching for solutions and answers, and all this for nothing :(

    1. Canonical url in page's sourcecode contain :80 port. How can I get rid of it ?
      I tried cutting returned $Result with str_replace() but it has to stay in more than 1 controller file.

    2. Was overall SEO (friendly urls) improved in any way ? I'd like to achieve something like domain/category/ID/topic_title (no matter what's the order). None of solutions posted in existing threads worked as well as plugins.
      At least getting rid (changing) /discussion/ in URI path to anything else (I suppose it's hardcoded in controller) would be great.
      Same goes to administration, changing domain/settings to own directory is like a basic intrusion prevention for me

    3. Statistics seem not to work.

    4. Since recaptcha doesn't force to have API key anymore, will it be upgraded ?

    5. I'm a bit confused when it goes to approving new content. Am I able in v2.1 to set first post/thread of user to be approved by moderator ?

    I'll have couple more questions about 2.1
    Above mentioned are most important as for now.

  • Not sure of your hosting setup, but I have friendly URLs through my nginx configuration. Probably something similar can be done with other http servers as well.

  • @openletter said:
    Not sure of your hosting setup, but I have friendly URLs through my nginx configuration. Probably something similar can be done with other http servers as well.

    Mostly apache 2.x on dev server/account.
    I'm not doing things locally (no wamp/mamp).
    There's no problem with rewriting urls with mod_rewrite
    But script's controller isn't going to magically generate proper urls in menus, categories and so on.
    There's only one rewrite in .htaccess, which is responsible for removing /index.php from url.
    That's all :(

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited December 2013

    @peregrine said:
    when upgrading to vanilla 2.1b2 from vanilla

    beware the mobile theme has a mobile/views/discussions/helper.php in vanilla

    whereas the mobile theme does not have a mobile/views/discussions/helper.php in vanilla 2.1b2

    this can lead to different things happening depending on whether your are installing a new version in a new folder vs. installing over the existing vanilla folder.

    there may be other instances of this.

    just one more reason - not to have views or helper_functions in your themes. because when you change versions things will go awry. (default.master.tpl with themehooks is the way to go.)

    see item #2 in comment

    I just noticed the vanilla team is already on top of this as of one year ago... :)

    and I quote for the people who don;t like clicking links

    lincoln said:
    Going from 2.0.18 to 2.1 successfully has a few more tricks than the usual copy/paste unfortunately.

    Before you ask, here's a couple I can think of off the top of my head: Any folders under the mobile theme's views, and the /applications/dashboard/views/default.master.php file should be deleted from your server; notice they aren't in the new version. Also, if you overwrote the forum's CSS entirely to make your 2.0.18 theme (by adding a style.css file to it), you'll want to start over using an additive custom.css file instead based on the large number of markup and style changes.

    something to take heed of.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • All my php based mobile themes don't have those in them. Only the Smarty but for the Mobile I think I removed it... the only ones needed are the master and theme hooks. The whole Discussions folder may be removed if used for 2.1 right ?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited December 2013

    @vrijvlinder said:
    The whole Discussions folder may be removed if used for 2.1 right ?

    Yes, in mobile theme for vanlla 2.1b1 and 2.1b2 there should not be a mobile/views/discussions folder if you want to use the default mobile theme provided by vanilla 2.1

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @YoJoe

    Here is my http (not https - minor difference in fcgi directives required in nginx) configuration for running Vanilla in nginx:

    location = /directoryname/index.php {
        include global-configs/php.conf;
        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$;
    location /directoryname/ {
        location ~* /categories/[0-9]*(/.*)?$ { return 404; }
        location ~* ^/uploads/.*.(html|htm|shtml|php)$ {
            types { }
            default_type text/plain;
        try_files $uri $uri/ @forum;
        location ~ php$ { deny all; }
        location @forum {
        rewrite ^/directoryname/(.+)$ /directoryname/index.php?p=$1 last;

    Lines 3, 7, and 12 plus the location block at line 16 are what make the pretty URLs work in nginx. I basically lifted this from the configuration posted in the Ars Technica article Form the Forum, which includes an explanation as to what parts do what. My understanding is that nginx location blocks perform the same or similar functions as .htaccess files in Apache, but that's about the best I can help with.

    There is also a directive that may need to be added or changed in config.php if not already:

    $Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] = TRUE;
  • phreakphreak MVP
    edited December 2013

    I know it might be a stupid question, but does 2.1b2 receive subreleases meaning are files updated on GitHub. I totally lost overview of the process the (Pre-)Alpha development has. There are already issues on the tracker for 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. Are those from users running the hosted version?

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    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • Milestones indicate the target version for resolving the issue, not the version it was reported in.

  • @openletter said:

    Thanks for sharing the code. But despite I'm familiar enough with apache mod_rewrite to make some rewrite trickery I completely do not understand native nginx rewrite rules, thus most of them just mislead me.

    Anyway I think I just leave the urls as they are, and just revert to 2.0.x, as time pressure raises, and I won't have enough time to prepare the board. Instead of I'll be figthing with things unable to solve.

  • Seems that I hadmore problems with stable version thatn with beta one.
    I solved (some kind of) two problems I've mentioned

    Canonical url in page's sourcecode contain :80 port. 

    library/core/class.controller.php -> add in line 559:
    $this->_CanonicalUrl = str_replace(':80','',$this->_CanonicalUrl);
    Method is dirty, but works as supposed.

    Statistics seem not to work.

    I've found a way to enable the plugin, by opening the link in new window.
    Finding something useful on forum isn't easy

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