How to cripple commenting ability in one easy step? add a vanilla.png file in your forum root

I was trying to post a comment on my local host for testing purposes and kept on getting error message
The requested URL /vanilla/vanilla.png/post/comment/916 was not found on this server.
as it turned out I had just put a png file called "vanilla.png" in the /vanilla directory (where my forum is located).
it was interesting trying to debug .
when I deleted the /vanilla/vanilla.png - the problem went away.
when i placed the file back in - the problem came back.
just something to keep in mind .
adding a new discussion wasn't hampered.
tested in vanilla
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Now that is some bizarre behavior. Does it happen in 2.1?
I was unable to reproduce this on a local Xampp stack in
Weird indeed.
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in vanilla 2.1 - problem doesn't occur....
I renamed the vanilla21 folder to vanilla. changed the .htaccess for rewrite base /vanilla
no problem. So it would mimic the way I had the problem with other vanilla version.
further tests in vanilla
in vanilla ubuntu and apache.
changed vanilla folder as a test to z-vanilla changed .htaccess to rewrite base /z-vanilla
put it vanilla.jpg in /z-vanilla/vanilla.jpg
also changed folder to /forum and changed .htaccess accordingly. same problem
error occurred. when posting a comment.
removed vanilla.jpg posted fine
tried it with vanilla.ico, vanilla.gif, vanilla.png, and - and error occurred if one of those files was in the /z-vanilla.
so in - no matter what the folder name (with matching rewrite base), if a file with vanilla.extension occurred, i would have the problem, no plugins enabled, default theme.
perhaps only occurs on a localhost, or my server specific. but I can replicate problem just by putting a vanilla file in the folder on my server.
probably - nothing to worry about. but if someone sees the problem - they know what to do.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
it seem to to me a very edge case, like you said something to do with your setup.
grep is your friend.
true, this is an edge case.
I just want to correct my answer above.
I just ran into the same problem today playing with vanilla 2.1
The requested URL /vanilla4/vanilla.png/post/comment/ was not found on this server.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Though it may be an edge case, it's good to know about.
Thank you for posting it.