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SMPT isn't working for me



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    @ahmedaladdin said:
    Personally, i prefer using the SMTP simply because most of your emails will reach the inbox of your users not the junk folder.

    Is this true? Forgive me for asking but, why? Just curious =)

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    hbfhbf wiki guy? MVP

    @TheNetTweets said:
    Is this true? Forgive me for asking but, why? Just curious =)

    it depends on the host. if you are using a very inexpensive hosting company, their mailer is highly likely to be on a blacklist. the spam blacklists include domains, originator server ip addresses, and mail relays (among other things).. if your host is caught up anywhere along that chain, your email is likely to be sent to junk.

    that said, if you pay more than 20 bucks a month for hosting you absolutely should not have this issue. it's hosts like 1and1 or joesfreewebhosting that create the creep factor.

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