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From Zero to Hosted in less than 5 Minutes! (My gift to y'all)

edited October 2013 in Tutorials

Who needs all that setup BS when I have done the hard stuff for you? Follow these 4 instructions to have a quick install on an awesome secure host, that is also a git based deployment solution (if you're into that).

  1. Sign up for a Pagodabox account, with your twitters, githubs or googles

  2. Once you are signed up and logged in click this to automagically create a new install of Vanilla It will do its magical magic, and then

  3. Click "View Live App" which will take you to the Install script Your Database is already created and info filled out for you

  4. You Just fill out Application Title, Email, Username and Password.

You now have a hosted (current stable version) Vanilla Forum!


This takes care of pretty much all the headaches of PagodaBox (cause I already went through them).

Even if you don't need an install, could you try it and let me know what you think? I'll be posting some video tutorials and workflows later too!



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    I was gonna post this in tutorals but was not allowed :(

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    LincLinc Detroit Admin
    edited October 2013

    Moved to Tutorials. Just ask a moderator in the future; we just wanna give things a once-over before they go in that category.

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    I tested this.

    I set it up (nice and easy) and was able to import from a porter export. Avatar uploads worked too.

    No complaints.

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    @hgtonight Nice, when you did the import did it stall twice during import?

    That was going to be a detail I added in my video/writeup (Holding off on the video because pagoda is days away from a new dashboard rollout)

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    Yes it did. I didn't even think about it since I just restarted it out of habit.

    Good call.

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    I dunno if that's a pagodabox or a vanilla thing, but it stalls the exact same way every time.

    I know cause I've installed/imported about a 1000 times now. >.<

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    @LucasKA Can you add the beta version please?

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    @ilovetech I'd love to but I can't get it to work properly.

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    I know. I tried to make an empty repo with Git, but it made me make some folders 777 and told me to have the MySQL with PDO or something like that

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    I have v2.1b2 in a correct repo, with the right permissions and MYSQL/PDO enabled, and it should work, but when pushed to pagodabox it gives me a 500 error for some unknown reason.

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    This is awesome! Thanks for sharing.

    Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app

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    I set /conf /cache and /uploads to 777, but how do you enable MYSQL/PDO and why is it still giving me a error that 777 is not set on those folders. 777 as I understand is Full Control

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    @LucasKA This is so cool! One promote to you! :) (even though I can't promote yet)

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    @Shadowdare Thanks :)

    @ilovetech Server configurations are done in the Boxfile for Pagoda, which allows you to also write deploy hooks.

    You need to enable those PHP extensions, and also set /conf /cache /uploads as a "Shared Writable Directory"

    Pagoda is a READ ONLY environment, which makes it super secure, but also slightly different to work with.

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    Well, how do you enable MYSQL/PDO is my question? (What do I do in my Box File)

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    Check that link I posted. The boxfile is a YAML file that Pagodabox reads before deploy and sets the server up depending on what's in it. You Enable PDO/MYSQL in the Boxfile.

    ORRRRRR, you just use my quickstart, lol.

    If you do happen to get v2.1b2 running, let me know. :D

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    edited October 2013

    OK. I'll brush up on the box file and let you know if I get it working. I think I have to use a UNIX machine to get 777 working. I just gotta find out how to modify it

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    https://github.com/kelvintran/vanillabeta-pagodabox-2.1.b2 My Repository I'm gonna get working if you guys want to look at it

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    @ilovetech Your boxfile should be named Boxfile with no extension, make sure that the insides are valid YAML, which means your indents/tabs should be two spaces. Otherwise Pagodabox won't read it.

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