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Proper 301 Moved Permanently - after PHPBB to vanilla conversion???



  • Embedding is a shortcut for less technical folk. If you have the capacity to not embed, I recommend not using it. It's not bad, it's just... less good.

  • I still have only about 40% of my referral traffic. This is a huge hit.
    Im SCARED to convert my other forums to vanilla now :(

    I have no way of knowing if its because I didnt have the viewtopic.php hack in place when I converted in the first place, or if I would have lost all this traffic anyway. In any case, this really sucks. I cant afford this experiment again, because the next forum I want to move is BIGGER. This was my smallest one and it took a HUGE hit in traffic and rankings.

    Really LOST on what to do now.

    I love vanilla, but cant afford to destroy my business with lost traffic and rank.

  • Are you using Google Webmaster Tools? If not, get an account, and find out where you're losing this traffic at. From there, you can narrow down the specific issue.

  • Yes I use webmaster tools and google analytics. It was a referral drop from google.

    GOOD NEWS. The was a recent big upramp forming of google referral traffic. Right now it looks like its all coming back. Google just took a lot longer than I expected to re-index everything. I think I tripped google up by not having the viewtopic.php available from day one.

    I think within a month ill know for sure, and im predicting traffic will be back to normal at this point.
    WHICH IS AWESOME... because I cant wait to move all my forums to vanilla. Id do it in a second if the next release was out already. I really need that mailchimp integration, so holding off.

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