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File Upload always shows Uploading.... and never finished



  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited November 2013

    if you have git you can clone it on your machine.

    other wise just go through the files - take note of name and location.

    and cut and paste each one from github into the respective places on your server.

    you may also be able to zip up the entire add-ons package if that is where it is located.

    I too cannot use curl or wget on github (there is no concept of retry when timeout on that site) and the zips always fail on a slow connection. So, at least on a slow connection it is pretty much impossible on github to do anything because it has not ability to deal with retries on timeouts. so git clone appears to be the best way.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Thanks for that Peregrine - doesn't make it easy does it ;-(

    I've noticed as I'm doing that the version of Vanilla required is 2.1a but the version available for download is only (the one I have).

    This is getting very confusing. Which version of Vanilla is the current one?



  • This has been answered elsewhere, but is the current stable version. Any other version is either old, unreleased, or beta.

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  • There's a thread about FielUpload stopping working

    In which @qbauer mentions something missing from my theme's default.master.php file.

    This worked for me: many, many thanks.

  • that was @vrijvlinder who solved it and qbauer who reported back that @vrijvlinder was correct. :)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Im using the vanilla 2.2 with the bootstrap theme and I cant make this plugin work either. I tried @vrijvlinder solution, but it wont work. Anything else I can try ?

  • @aero77 said:
    Im using the vanilla 2.2 with the bootstrap theme

    Debug your issue, file a new issue (if applicable) on github, and share your results here.

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  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited February 2014

    @aero77 said:
    Im using the vanilla 2.2 with the bootstrap theme and I cant make this plugin work either. I tried vrijvlinder solution, but it wont work. Anything else I can try ?

    if the above didn't work. try debugging different steps and see where it fails.

    one would think if you are using an alpha version of vanilla, you might need to use an alpha version of plugin as well. And if you use an alpha version of vanilla, you are pretty much on your own. you should be able to figure out as an alpha tester.

    Try version 2.1b2 and the version of fileupload that goes along with it and report back, which you should be able to figure out as a beta tester.

    Try version 2.0.18.x and the version 1.5.2 of fileupload and report back.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Im using vanilla v 2.2.5 and FileUpload 1.8. Can I find a beta or newer version of FileUpload on Github ?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited February 2014

    @aero77 said:
    Im using vanilla v 2.2.5 and FileUpload 1.8. Can I find a beta or newer version of FileUpload on Github ?

    Perhaps, haven't checked. this forum uses version 2.2.5 and v 1.8 of the fileupload plugin at this moment in time.

    Sometimes you have to troubleshoot things. did you try fileupload 1.7.1 with 2.1b2 and the default theme? and no other plugins enabled. The idea is is to reduce the complexity.

    I pretty much think alpha version questions on this forum should be ignored and issues posted on github, since it should only be used by people capable of solving problems themselves.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I am facing the same problem , I checked from the cpanel the files are getting uploaded but not showing up . Its always showing uploading........

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I'd just like to add - I have the EXACT same issue.

    Clearly nothing wrong with your setup - more down to the developer... .FIX IT!


  • @McLarenDan said:
    I'd just like to add - I have the EXACT same issue.

    Clearly nothing wrong with your setup - more down to the developer... .FIX IT!


    FYI - The files are uploading, just the stupid upload bar doesn't go away! FIX FIX FIX!!!!

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014

    @McLarenDan said:
    I'd just like to add - I have the EXACT same issue.

    @McLarenDan welcome aboard.

    clearly you didn't read the instructions when posting about issues you have.

    State the version of vanilla.
    post your issue on github.
    state the version of the plugin you are using.

    give more details.

    state the browser you are using.

    clearly the a version of the plugin works for me in 2.1 and many other people.

    just hide the progress.gif

    problems can also occur depending on the bandwidth and/or browser or even theme or a misconfiguration on your part.

    Both you guys provide excellent examples of how to post without giving any information.

    @McLarenDan said: I'd just like to add - I have the EXACT same issue.

    you are also using the same version of plugin and vanilla as the OP
    I doubt it. not a good idea to use a old beta version anyway.

    @McLarenDan said: Clearly nothing wrong with your setup - more down to the developer... .FIX IT!

    lol - he has lots of issues with his setup.


    DO NOT USE UNTIL THIS until you learn how to post some valuable info and details and screenshots and permissions and folder permissions.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Hmmm I think I have 1.5.2 - okay I take my comment back, sorry.

    I've looked at GitHub - no idea how I get 1.8.2 though :\

    Any ideas please ?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014

    people have had success with vanilla 2.1 and extracting from this zip

    this zip below includes version 1.8.2

    and replacing with these files, after you read the instructions carefully.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited June 2014

    get is while it's fresh ! that one I use on all my 2.1 installs

    it is version 1.7.1

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