Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.
Where is 2.1beta2? Github-master installs Version 2.2.4!!!

This file: installs Vanilla 2.2.4! What is v2.2.4?
where is 2.1betta?
where is on githab?
GitHub doesn't have any 'releases' per se. It is the development version which currently sits at 2.2.4 as you found.
You can find the latest stable version ( right now) here: This should be used for any production site.
You can find the latest beta version (2.1b2 right now) here: This should only be used for bug testing.
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In addition to hgtonight's info
you can find core releases for beta and stable versions of vanilla
in the add-ons section where you find plugins.
just choose core and then click vanilla
and then click on vanilla - that takes you here essentially
then on the right hand side you see a box that says "latest versions"
then click on the version number and then you can download the version or versions you want.
you still may need to update security fixes if they are not incorporated or the fix came out after the release date.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
The Github releases can be found here:
Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub
TIL Vanilla uses tags for releases.
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Thanks for links. How to choose a post as an answer?
huh? 2.1 is in beta version but they're also developing 2.2?! it's odd.
not all, versions work like that. Thing like 2.1, 2.2 is are well defined stages. If something is in beta very little new get added to it other than bug fixes and critical updates, it is essentially frozen in term of features. It is completely normal to work on several versions at a time.
2.2 is alpha or not even that.
Yes it is true that they jumped from 2.1 to 2.2 without in-between released version, there are different ways of versioning and also a certain amount of licence.
grep is your friend.
Sometimes there are phantom release point numbers from tagging messups
(e.g. say I tag and push then realize I forgot something - well we're skipping for then
Used to happen a lot early on)
Random comment: Im about to upgrade my next forum community to vanilla but dont want to release now and then have to upgrade to 2.1 shortly thereafter = scary.
I would DIE to know when 2.1 is coming out. If its a year out that would be good to know so I could go ahead and upgrade. If its a couple of months out I would WAIT. Any guesses???
I remember they said something like "as soon as all issues are solved" and that was an eye opener for me: we could all help to see version 2.1 as fast as possible.
In fact I go from time to time through the list of issues to see if I can help and there are already some small fixes that I've offered, although I'm just a hobby programmer with other hobbies that I take more serious. So if I can help, any other hobby programmer could help, too!
(Sometimes I think I should have become a missionary man)
By the way: if I were about to go live with a forum, I would start using the very stable version 2.1b2, look at the pull requests and apply them if I think they are reasonable. Although that bears still risks, I personally would prefer that way.
My crystal ball says 2.1 will still be in beta in couple months.
That said 2.1b2 is pretty reliable and it is a bit of semantics whether it is called 2.1 or 2.1b2. Granted there are still issues to be ironed out, but there will ALWAYS be issues, as there is with any software.
If the plugins you need work in 2.1b2 and the theme you want works in 2.1b2, the question to ask is why wait to upgrade to 2.1b2, if you are going to upgrade anyway.
my .02 cents.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@jackjitsu I think it definitely comes down to your comfort level in debugging issues you find. If you are comfortable with determining the cause of issues and figuring out the fix for it, go for 2.1b2.
Otherwise, go 2.0, imo.
The upgrade path from 2.0 to 2.1 should be relatively painless once 2.1 is released. You can help others future proof their 2.0 install by testing plugins on 2.0 and 2.1and checking out the community spreadsheet here:
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Where should we report bugs about 2.1?
They should be reported to GitHub:
I do not see a possibility to report to a special branch, so you might just specify the version you are using when experiencing that bug.
Where is 2.1b3?
Hasn't been released yet.
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generally - the non alpha releases can be found in link below. I suspect if Lincoln's hopes of putting 2.1b3 at the end of the month come true. it will be announced that it is released and it will be available here in the side panel of the link below where it says latest Versions - you just click on version you want.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
All relases of Vanilla can be foude here: