Question RE: Vanilla js connect plugin issues
I have posted slightly bitter questions regarding the js-connect plugin because I have been unable to get the js connect plugin to work on my WP site. I will take the heat because I'm sure most of the problem is me. I'm Noob-Impared (by definition: limited knowledge of php and programing) Anyway here's my situation and question I need to get to the bottom of. I have a WP site and in mysite navigation, I have a separate sub-directory that has my vanilla forum. My forum is not embedded on a WP page but rather is at a separate URL in my sites directory. The questions is will the vanilla js-connect work in this situation?
(yes I asked this before no real reply)
I currently have vanilla wp-connect installed on and vanilla js-connect installed on
Is there any way to have a single sign on for this set up? If I need to make changes, I can live with one single sign on for the forum only.... any ideas please??
Yes you can do it. It can even be on a different domain, becuase the system allows cross domain.
It won't work if the entry points are not public or blocked in any way. . Also other javascript errors may impeded, this an other script from working.
grep is your friend.
can you provide a link to your site?
grep is your friend. zach gave me a hand with this earlier but its been almost 2 months and no luck getting this to work. I don't write Java.
I thought this was up and running?
Was this a recent regression?
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right no jsConnect is not enabled.
grep is your friend.
The plugin was installed but it was never thoroughly tested. And it never worked. I read all the documentation and post but still no luck. Im now missing the login box on my vanilla forum as well.
Ok your right dont have the js connect enabled. I posted this problem earlier. I can not enable it. It wont allow me to. I did receive a comment I needed to pass permission. But I dont know how to check permissions or where to go.
what is the error shown at the top of the page after you click on the enable button?
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Please read this: You need only read permissions.
As I don't know what client/method you use to manage your files I can't tell you specifically how that would be set. Generally speaking in a visual setting you right click on the folder to get permissions, however you need to set for the folder and its contents.
As it is showing up in pluigns then it probably is readable already as @hgtonight say you need to fugue out if there is any error at the top, as to why it isn't enabling.
grep is your friend.
Hg: No error message. just nothing happens. Im going to check the permissions and see if that will do it...
It was not permissions. Setting were ok, I am going to do a clean re-install of the plugin and see if that works.
what version number of vanilla are you using and what version number of plugin are you using?
if you can't enable the plugin.
download the plugin again and reinstall.
if it still doesn't enable:
if debugging is on, turn off your debugging and re-try. some plugins won't enable if debugging is on.
if debugging is off:
turn on your debugging to see if you get an error message while trying to enable.
the third option is set the config.php for the plugin to be enabled TRUE
if it has an error, and you have debugging on, it will show you the error, but potentially crash your site, until you disable it manually vie config.php.
read this again.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Ok it looks like a clean install partly helped. I hit another problem when I enabled the plugin here is what fails to execute
what version number of vanilla are you using and
what version number of jsconnect plugin are you using?
you didn't answer my questions, so how can i help you? Focus my friend, search, and read the documentation concerning bonk, etc. Read some tutorials.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Im running vanilla 2.1b and js-connect 1.0.3 this was exactly my next thought, some sort of incompatibility issue. Has anyone seen any complaints or has anyone successfully installed js-connect with vanilla 2.1b?
@peregrine you always chafe my ass don't you? Thanks for the link....most helpful when it hurts :P
OMFG, did re-install number 3, added the error syntax to config.php and it worked like a charm. Got the plugin installed OK. Next problem is I can not test the login. I can not seem to log-out. Site wont let me log-out.
This is the default behavior.
In order to do this you have to hook the wordpress sign out to delete the cookie. If you are not familiar with php or wordpress development you will find this hard.
Another way to do this would be to chain redirects.
grep is your friend.
Issues still happening:
1 Can not log out- nothing happens when I try
2 Missing the registration window
Any help on this or documentation? I did not find any
I can edit it with the right documentation. I found some here: