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Best looking login screen?



  • omg! I remember that login screen. Hahahaha.
  • We're doing a new modal login on the new Zoto over at, and it looks pretty sweet if I do say so myself.

  • kordless---how did you achieve that login box? Very interested in it.
  • @ zoto I guess it looks pretty good, but the copy is horrible. No one is going to read all of that. It should be changed to something like "Not a member? Register Now!" and the forgot your password link should be moved to the right of a shortened password field.
  • @carnold It's just a DIV that isn't visible until you click on the "login" link. The link fires an event that causes the div to show up. We use some of Mochikit's stuff to animate the fade and handle events. @c-unit I agree. We haven't had time to make another pass on it yet, but we are planning on changing it before the release. Thanks for the input!
  • TexTex
    edited January 2007
This discussion has been closed.