Yaga 0.5 Released
I just released Yaga 0.5 and am looking for some help testing it. I would really like to push to a 1.0 release soon after Vanilla 2.1 is released stable.
What can I do to help?
Download the 0.5 release of Yaga and play around with it. Abuse it. Try to break it. Then let me know what you think either here or on the issue page here: https://github.com/hgtonight/Application-Yaga/issues
Anything you find I would be more than happy to hear about!
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If anyone can break it - I can. And not on purpose. I'm on it
@hgtonight . I have installed .5 with the latest 2.1 stable. Running embedded forums, also testing not embedded. Using Embed-friendly template by default, but testing others.
As you know I'm a quite a newb, so my report or error could likely be my own doing.
Ran through the instructions in README with no problems.
Dashboard settings seem to be limited relative to the options I was seeing pre 2.1 stable. see settings1 image
I do not see settings for customizing the badges/reactions. See settings2 image. These are all the setting I can find (single page)
The reactions are not showing in in previous posts. Tested in firefox and chrome both updated. See view1 image.
The reactions do view fine with the mobile template running (mobile phone).
Tested with bittersweet theme enabled embedded and not, still not showing
Disable the new "social" core features, facebook and twitter. Still not showing. See image "not showing2"
After all of the the mobile version still shows them.
The like dislike score does show up in user profiles.
Suggestions for further testing and or mods?
@mbjvfx Thanks for the feedback! I have a lot of questions:
file?So the reactions show up just fine in the default mobile theme but no other themes?
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PermissionID RoleID JunctionTable JunctionColumn JunctionID Garden.Settings.Manage Garden.Settings.View Garden.Messages.Manage Garden.SignIn.Allow Garden.Applicants.Manage Garden.Users.Add Garden.Users.Edit Garden.Users.Delete Garden.Users.Approve Garden.Activity.Delete Garden.Activity.View Garden.Profiles.View Garden.Profiles.Edit Garden.Moderation.Manage Garden.Curation.Manage Garden.PersonalInfo.View Garden.AdvancedNotifications.Allow Conversations.Moderation.Manage Conversations.Conversations.Add Vanilla.Discussions.View Vanilla.Discussions.Add Vanilla.Discussions.Edit Vanilla.Discussions.Announce Vanilla.Discussions.Sink Vanilla.Discussions.Close Vanilla.Discussions.Delete Vanilla.Comments.Add Vanilla.Comments.Edit Vanilla.Comments.Delete Plugins.Flagging.Notify Plugins.Attachments.Upload.Allow Plugins.Attachments.Download.Allow Garden.Email.View Vanilla.Approval.Require Vanilla.Comments.Me Plugins.Tagging.Add Plugins.Debugger.View Plugins.Debugger.Manage Yaga.Reactions.Add Yaga.Reactions.Manage Yaga.Reactions.View Yaga.Reactions.Edit Yaga.Badges.Add Yaga.Badges.Manage Yaga.Badges.View Yaga.Ranks.Add Yaga.Ranks.Manag
Here are the only entries for yaga:
// Yaga $Configuration['Yaga']['Version'] = '0.4'; $Configuration['Yaga']['Reactions']['Enabled'] = '1'; $Configuration['Yaga']['Badges']['Enabled'] = '1'; $Configuration['Yaga']['Ranks']['Enabled'] = '1'; $Configuration['Yaga']['LeaderBoard']['Enabled'] = '1'; $Configuration['Yaga']['LeaderBoard']['Limit'] = '5';
This shows that the manual update did not auto reconfigure the config.php, maybe this was my responsibility? I have since changed this value of Version to .5, though this did not help with any of the symptoms.
I was testing this on my live fourm: forum.valentfx.com (as you inspect please let me know if you see other fixes I can take care of).
As you know I am a dirty newb here and fresh to web dev, php, css, etc. Hardware designer, ebemdedded coder here:). Who knew we could all get along! I could use any suggestions you have on figuring out how to debug php. Maybe there is some application for debugging here that you can point out?
first thing if you are new to php - is run through a bunch of php tutorials thoroughly - so you understand how the syntax. If you don't know proper syntax and constructs, if is pretty hard to debug, if you don't know what things do.
I had no idea what css php or jquery was a few years ago. Tutorials helped immensely. Obviously if you know how to code in another language your path will be easier.
second as far as debuggers - look into netbeans ide - if you are looking for a free debugger. Nothing is going to tell you how to write code - but it will allow you to step through code.
x00's signature is "grep is your friend" . if you learn how to use grep, decho, echo, var_dump - you've got most of all the tools you really need.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I actually write embedded software for a living as well. Good to meet another of our kind out in the wild.
As @peregrine noted, install a local web server, netbeans, and enable xdebug. That will give you an actual debugger that let's you step through code and inspect variables.
As far as your problem, it looks like there are no permissions on any of the roles in that attached file. That shouldn't prevent you from seeing any reaction buttons (assuming you are a "super" admin) on other people's comments. The permissions are explained in the about.php file, but I am going to paste it below:
You will need to edit your role permissions via the dashboard at
to something that makes sense for your forum.Search first
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@peregrine Thanks for you advice. I have been trudging through some tutorials when I can and hope to be up to speed soon. Thanks for the tips on debug setup. Sounds like a pretty feature rich options for debug! Where it sounds as if grep,echo, etc are the poor man's debug "printf" output that programming folks are attuned to.
@hgtonight Thanks for the follow debug tips and congrats on so apparently mastering the web dev realm where you come from the embedded world.
That would explain a thing or two, ie roles. I have now updated my roles. Interestingly I have to enabled "add" properties in order to view the reactions. I have tried to enable the "view" options for all users groups and the reaction do not become viewable until I have selected the "add" proprerty. I have tested on both the live forum and the dev forum with the same results.
Any suggestions?
I think my comments need to be reworded. The view permission let's a user view reactions (which is the list of user avatars representing users that have taken an action) while the add permission let's a user add a reaction to the post.
So the view permission shows the record while the add permission shows the list of reactions.
Make sense?
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@hgtonight, Ahh, yes that makes sense. I did not have any avatars active so I could not see anything active with the "view" option enabled. I have added avatars and it is working great! I am not very familiar with the badges, but look forward to getting a feel for how it works and creating some nice "promotional" incentives to go along with receiving a badge.
Personally I think you deserve a gold badge [EDIT: solid gold, diamond studded, platinum highlights] ! Thank you for the great plugin. I will PM you to talk about a donation.
I've marked this as an approved addon. While I can find quibbles with the architecture here and there, overall this is exceptionally well formatted & structured, readable code that looks like it was written by the staff. Well done, sir.
hgtonight probably just had a "yagasm".
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.