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Add-ons Site Suggestions
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#!/bin/bash DIR_EXTENSION="/var/www/extensions/" OWNER="apache" GROUP_OWNER="apache" DEFAULT_DIR_MODE="2750" DEFAULT_FILE_MODE="640" tmp="/tmp/VanillaExtension" ADDON_ID=$1 wget --post-data=AddOnID=$ADDON_ID mkdir -p $tmp mv index.html?PostBackAction=DoDownload $tmp/extension$ pwd=$PWD cd $tmp unzip extension$ rm extension$ for x in *; do mv $x $DIR_EXTENSION chown -R "$OWNER":"$GROUP_OWNER" $DIR_EXTENSION/$x chmod -R $DEFAULT_DIR_MODE $DIR_EXTENSION/$x find $DIR_EXTENSION/$x -type f | xargs chmod $DEFAULT_FILE_MODE done cd $pwd rm -r $tmp
this script take in argument the addon id
(NOTE: wget must have been compiled with debugging enabled for this to work)
#!/bin/bash EXTENSION_NUM=$1 TEMPFILE=`tempfile --prefix=addon` FILENAME=`wget --debug -O $TEMPFILE\&AddOnID=$EXTENSION_NUM 2>&1 | grep 'Content-Disposition:' | perl -e '$_=<STDIN>;/filename=(.*)$/;print $1;'` if [ $FILENAME ]; then { mv $TEMPFILE "./$FILENAME" } else { echo Failed. rm $TEMPFILE } fi echo Extension number = $EXTENSION_NUM echo Filename = $FILENAME