Thanks for your help with 2.1!

LincLinc Admin
edited May 2014 in General Banter

Some overdue shout-outs for the 2.1 release:

Thanks to Mathieu Huysman and x00 for responsibly disclosing security flaws leading up to the 2.1 release so we could patch appropriately.

Thanks to Luke Spragg for giving us the 'vanilla' organization name on GitHub.

Thanks to hgtonight, R-J, chanhong, shadowdare, Apreche, Shoat, imageoptimiser, & iamthes for code contributions to 2.1 and to them plus peregrine, x00, Tama63, & @vrijvlinder‌ for some great testing and issues filed.

And of course the rest of the Vanilla HQ team that was involved behind the scenes: @Kasper‌, @Adrian, @Todd, and @Tim.

If I missed you, please send me a message or chime in below so I can add you! Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2.1 release.


  • R_JR_J Admin

    Thanks for 2.1 and all the ongoing work! Great news and changes are coming in on a nearly daily basis - that's exciting :)

  • diito what r_j says.

    and thanks to you and vanilla HQ team for the really great responsiveness to issues and the great feed back (tips, pointers, and how to avoid Cardinal Sins). Another leap for mankind.

    and don't be strangers on the forum in the future :) we really like to see you guys popping in from time to time to guide us.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • The differences between the 2.0 branch and the 2.1 branch is honestly staggering.

    I am super stoked for 2.1 and look forward to future developments as well! :D

    Search first

    Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.

    Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.

  • chanhchanh ✭✭

    2.1 is a big step forward and great progress.

    I would like to optimize the autoloader into "loading only" when it is used to make Vanilla a little faster

    Thanks for the solid release!

  • Wow , well thank you for including me along with the super dev squad !! I don't know what to say other than thanks thanks thanks for giving a reason to wake up everyday and look forward to some coding <3

  • R_JR_J Admin

    To stress what I have said above: to look for inspirations I like the website (which sadly often encounters errors). It gives an impression of what is happening on GitHub.
    Whenever I do a search for "forum", Vanilla is on page one! :)
    (It is even the most popular repo in this list)

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