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FeedReader extension: comments and questions
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My fault, I was working on the solution to the other issue and I've forgot a multybyte function inside
I'll up a *fix* release in a while. I feel dumb in those situations :P
--> 0.3 zip on the Add-ons list fixed. Thankyou.
In a new window... mmmm.
I have to manage the Settings panel, first, I see...
I'm sorry but life is calling in those days. I'll do what I can
I noticed that the code I've just copy-pasted from another extension is somehow broken. I have to rewrite it entirely... but... er... I have my time dedicated to other tasks at this time.
On my forum I've also noticed a few times a reference error, this also due to the cache management (and now wrapped in a nice error message in my beta).
The real stopper (time aside) is the simplified settings manager. I have to put down a small structure for it and then the coding part shouldn't take long...
Sorry again if I make you wait... also since the next release should be a good "1.0 RC1" :P
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class snoopy in /data/web/virtuals/ on line 39
when I try to enter my profile page.
if(class_exists('Snoopy', false)) return;
in the line aboveclass Snoopy
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class rsscache in /data/web/virtuals/ on line 33
//it happened after upgrading to Vanilla 1.0.1
if(class_exists('RSSCache', false)) return;
before that class declaration, and see if that helps....or maybe the extensions loading behaviour has changed?