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FeedReader extension: comments and questions
This discussion has been closed.
If someone wants to edit the package and send in a new one with the solution, I will be glad to upload it. At this time I'm in crunch mode until january - at least - and I don't have time to develop the extension anymore.
Check back on Monday.
Working on it. It's coming...
- Feature: Added description flag to enable descriptions (true|false).
- Feature: Added Cache TTL time (default 5 minutes).
- Fix: Added Vanilla 1.0.3 vulnerability patch.
- Source: New working Cache routine: changed class from RSSCache to Goo.Cache.
- Source: Completely rewritten list and attach methods. Cleaner and more structured.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mb_strtolower() in /usr/www/users/(me)/discuss/extensions/FeedReader/ on line 209