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500 Error due to maximum execution time exceeded*
I've installed a clean version of WAMP 2.5 and updated C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\httpd.conf to Listen on port 8060. I tested that I connect to MySQL via phpMyAdmin.
I downloaded and extracted Vanilla 2.1 to C:\wamp\www\vanilla
When I try to access the site http://localhost:8060/vanilla/ I get an HTTP 500 error
I updated .htaccess in the vanilla folder, uncommenting the RewriteBase and setting the directory to /vanilla; but the same error occurs.
Please can someone help?
I forgot to mention that I did update Apache config in C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf and uncommented the line LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ so that the .htaccess "should" work
Sorry to keep updating but I've also enabled LoadModule headers_module modules/ in the Apache config, and deleted all the .ini files in the Vanilla cache folder C:\wamp\www\vanilla\cache
I saw the folder path uses mixed slashes in the .ini file (gdn = "C:\wamp\www\vanilla/library/core/") could maybe be causing the problem?
Hopefully someone will come up with an answer.
Can I ask if there is a reason you didn't go with XAMPP?
I use that on my PC for my Vanilla etc. testing, and it works right out of the box.
@whu606, I haven't heard of XAMPP. When I was Googling for a service stack solutions I found LAMP which led me to WAMP. I'll give XAMPP a try as well.
This is slightly off topic.
I use WAMP over XAMPP for a few reasons (although I have and still use XAMPP sometimes).
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I'm sure that WAMP has benefits for you Jedi Code Masters
My personal choice of XAMPP was based on 'click and install', since I only needed a basic web server and mySQL, and had lost a couple of days of my life trying to follow the instructions to set up mySQL separately.
Back to the error ... whenever Apache gives error 500, take a look in the Apache error logs. There you'll find the details of the error
There was an error rendering this rich post.
also look in .htaccess file - sometimes if you have a command that is not allowed - some servers will respond with a 500.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I've removed WAMP and installed XAMPP and I really like the control panel. I'm busy installing Vanilla and I will let you know how I proceed.
Thank you so far for all your help.
Yey! I got the install page but I'm still getting a 500 error after that.
I'm using XAMPP and I've copied the Vanilla 2.1 files to C:\xampp\htdocs\mgsa\vanilla and updated .htaccess to include RewriteBase /mgsa/vanilla
I was still getting a 500 error after completing the install page but I checked the PHP error logs and saw the install queries were exceeding the maximum execution time of 30 seconds. I updated php.ini and set max_execution_time=0 and re-ran the install and it worked correctly.
Thank you so much for your assistance.
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