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Question about addons/standards/Vanilla

YES! I've managed to get it working with PHP CodeSniffer in SublimeText and also with NetBeans. It's really fun see your editor/IDE telling you that you haven't commented enough, or have forgotten to delete a space and all that!

But I'm unsure if I should use it. Something like discussionController_beforeSave_handler looks too unfamiliar and I cannot imagine to use $discussionID (or $discussionId?)

What would you recommend: waiting for 2.3 where - if I understood it right - that should be standard or use it right now?

Best Answer


  • @Linc So... which standard is being used in Vanilla? PSR1?

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  • LincLinc Admin
    edited 2014 09

    We call it "PSR-2 + the Lord Brackos rule" (same-line opening braces).

  • KasperKasper Vanilla Staff

    The exact coding standards spec can be found here: http://docs.vanillaforums.com/developers/contributing/coding-standard/

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

  • x00x00 MVP

    Files MUST use only <?php and <?= tags.

    I presume the short echo is for PHP > 5.4 only...

    grep is your friend.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited 2014 09

    @x00 Yeah, we just wanted to leave the option open for view files. That's not something we'd use anywhere else.

    //edit: Also, we are jumping to 5.4 minimum for the next version, as we've said.

  • I like open Bracket on the same line too. I noticed some of the php code beautifiers have several options with spacing and brackets.


    I do not like how any of these functions and they do not resemble what vanilla code looks like.

    K&R style

    Allman Style

    Whitesmiths style

    GNU style

    Pear Style

    What would Vanilla be compared to as far as these styles go ? Is this a preference or are these standard?

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited 2014 09

    We use "K&R style" for logic, which is part of PSR-2, but for some reason that style and most others then go on to say functions/methods/classes all need their opening brace on a separate line.

    So now we have "Lord Brackos style". WordPress, Drupal, Facebook, Laravel, Wikimedia, CakePHP and PHP.net all use this style, albeit without naming it.

    This is a standard, as it's been referred to already and is specified extremely technically in Kasper's link above. This is not a change from the way Vanilla code has always looked - it's a codification of current practice.

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