Single Sign On between Wordpress and Vanilla

I am new to Vanilla and WP and NO to programming :-)
Could anybody please advise on this ...... I have tried so far as under :
a) WP 3.9.1 in one directory, in which I installed the Vanilla Forum Plugin
b) Vanilla 2.1 forum in another directory ( same domain ) in which I have installed jsconnect.
Both plugins seem to be working ...WP side is giving me Client ID, Secret, Authenticate, Sign in and Register URls etc. which I paste on the js connect side in Vanilla.
c) BUT jsconnect is Also asking me Sign Out URL. What do I fill in there ?
d) JS Connect is also asking to tick " This is a Trusted connection " and " Make this connection your default sign in method " - what do I do here ?
e) Anyways, when I tick "d" above and do some guesswork on the Sign Out URL , I get a message like " Sorry it failed, try again after some time .. .. :-((
f) on WP side have also enabled Vanilla discussions Widget in the Right Sidebar.. nothing shows up there !
Any ideas what is going on ? All help much appreciated....
Best Answer
hgtonight MVP
By secrets I mean anything that could be used to hijack your site.
The "Did this answer the question? Yes · No" thing is part of the Q&A plugin which works because you asked a question.
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Which plugin is asking for the signout URL?
Do you have a live site somewhere?
Consider posting your settings screens with the secrets blocked.
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Thanks for coming in @hgtonight
Jsconnect installed on the vanilla side is asking for the sign out URL ...
Wp :
Vanilla :
Will try to capture images and secrets you mean the application ID and secret ?
Btw, how did you put that " did that answer the question " footer ? :-)
By secrets I mean anything that could be used to hijack your site.
The "Did this answer the question? Yes · No" thing is part of the Q&A plugin which works because you asked a question.
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Here are the images. In JSCOnnect2 you can see te" Sign Out " field. On Js Connect all fields are blank since, after I press " Save Changes " on the Wordpress side it simply comes up with " Sorry something happened. Try again later " and then on the JSConnect side all goes blank...
Just realised that is the famous "bonk screen : error I am coming up with !- saw a snap of it in the Tutorials link...
The WP plugin wants to know your Vanilla sign in URLs and the Vanilla plugin wants to know your WP sign in URLs.
It appears you have them swapped.
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Ohhh ??... All the values have to be copied on the jsconnect side as per the wp plugin... ? These values automatically generated by the wordpress plugin ...can you give format of the jsconnect ( vanilla side ) plugin values...then obviously they will not be the same ..thanks..
@hgtonight ....anything further on this ? Pl advise, thanks
I don't have a WP test bed set up right now.
Ping me in about a week if no one else responds.
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@hgtonight - that is OK, will do, thanks.