Embedded to WP but not really
Hello all,
I've been trying several different variants of using Vanilla alongside Wordpress. I use WP for a CCK and Vanilla for Forums/Discussion. At one point I was actually embedding Vanilla in a WP page as you know you can do. This method really gave me headaches dealing with the iframe, mobility issues and search index issues. I turned off embedding and matched my Vanilla menu to my WP menu. Everything is great. Then I realized that the comments integration in WP requires embedding to be turned on. I use the comments integration to encourage forum discussion on my WP articles.
My question is this. Can you think of any potential problems by to come from turning on embedding to support comments but turning off the force URL options in Vanilla and not using the WP page that you are supposed to use for embedding? That way I get the best of both worlds1?
Best Answers
hgtonight MVP
Welcome to the community!
Nothing wrong with doing that as far as I can tell.
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5 -
Linc Admin
That sounds like the best scenario, actually. We're not big fans of embedding if it's not required.
Welcome to the community!
Nothing wrong with doing that as far as I can tell.
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That sounds like the best scenario, actually. We're not big fans of embedding if it's not required.
@jaymz That's exactly what we've been doing over at htxt.co.za. The only thing we had to be careful with was filtering Google Analytics not to double count on individual post pages (because we wanted one cookie for both parts of the site), otherwise it works much better than embedding the forum and has more or less cleared up issues we were having with logging in.
Yes, what you are doing is very similar to what I want to do. The only difference is I am using jReviews for the rankings and those are crowdsourced rather than professionally reviewed.
I actually used @peregrine add menu plugin slightly modified so that non mobile users would have the full menuset while in Vanilla but mobile users would only have one additional menu called "Main Site" because of size considerations.
Thanks for sharing your site. It gave me a lot of ideas!