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Add items to Bootstrap
I've just succesfully converted from PPHBB3 to Vanilla 2.1 (attachments and all !). I'd like to make a small customization to the excellent Bootstrap theme:
Next to the post, under the user's avatar, I'd like to add a few fields from the Extended Profile Fields plugin. (Oh, and I'd also like to edit the layout of the user's Profile-page.
I'm new to Vanilla and the themingsystem, can somebody give some pointers as to where to start ?
Thanks !
First, you need to make that information available in the discussion view. The cleanest way is to do it with a plugin:
Replace YourField with the name of the field.
You can change the position of it with css
For general tips regarding theming and customization, read this:
My themes: pure | minusbaseline - My plugins: CSSedit | HTMLedit | InfiniteScroll | BirthdayModule | [all] - PM me about customizations - Plugins, Themes and Graphics for Vanillaforums OS
Bear in mind that the process for editing Bootstrap theme is not exactly the same as for the standard Vanilla themes.
Ok, thanks a lot. Copied your code and activated the plugin. I get the css part but what file to edit ? (I know Bootstrap is not supported here and that it takes a different approach but maybe this small change can be done by editting the correct css)
Since you are realizing it as a plugin, I wouldn't change the bootstrap theme itself but pack the customization to the plugin. Save the CSS in
and add that to the plugin:Awesome community ! Thanks !
Awesome community ! Thanks !
Ok, when I inspect the element in Chrome it says: span.MItem.Profile.Kleur, how would the custom.css look like ?
I've tried different variations of
span.MItem.Profile.Kleur { color: #00FF00; font-family:arial; font-size: 4pt; }
That, should work if you put the function @R_J posted into the plugin classes body.
Check if the css file is included, could be the stupid typo I made (
) in the plugin title or the doublepublic function
in R_J's postMy themes: pure | minusbaseline - My plugins: CSSedit | HTMLedit | InfiniteScroll | BirthdayModule | [all] - PM me about customizations - Plugins, Themes and Graphics for Vanillaforums OS
Oops! That happens when you copy and paste too much
I don't see either of those errors.
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Well got it almost the way I want it. I have added some conditional formatting (ps: I'm not a developer, I know some python and some sql) but I must have made a mistake somewhere 'cause the colors get mixed-up:
At first glance I'd say it is AuthorMeta, not AutorMeta
By the way: I'd use "switch" in this case:
That will give you something like
[ <span class="MotorBenzine">1.4</span>
, but I'm not sure why you have an opening bracket in there...I would be even lazier:
$CssClass = preg_replace('/\W+/','',strtolower(strip_tags(val('Profile.Motor', $AuthorMeta))));
.Now you don't have to update your switch with more possibilities, just your style sheet.
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Thanks all. Happy with the result:
@piotrnl i have a question about the advertisement after x reactions. Wich plugin u using there?
Heb me ook aangemeld op je forum maar daar heb ik geen toestemming voor....
I use the Pockets plugin to display the ads.