Thefixboard needs your help

Thefixboard as a community came into existence becuase of the vannilla forum and we want to thank you for this piece of software . We would like to invite you all to the forum . We want to honour the great work you have done so please feel free to send us your email addressses . We would like to invite you.
our core principle is we connect , we learn, we fix , we teach.
Thefixboard has given me a task and I need your help in achieving this. Thefixboard wants a scoring system .
Everytime someone accepts an inivations the person who inivted should get a point and also his uplink and if there are any uplinks should all get points .
Everytime someone learns that is when he likes a particular post all should get points.
Everytime someone teaches that is he posts everytone should get a point.
However if someone posts a fix and he makes a video of it then he gets 2 points because he learns and he teaches.
Please feel free to ask for any clarificaitons.
We connect, We learn, We fix, We teach.
You should take a look at YAGA. It's a gamification application for Vanilla. You would have to create your own rules, though, in order to achieve what you want, but it is a rock solid base for your plans.
Although that sounds an interesting idea, it is too vague a concept for me, not focussed. There is also plenty of competition. If you want a general help and solution board, then you have to come up with a smarter way of promoting it, and would have to a a realistic idea of how people behave.
Also there is a saying 'ideas are cheap'. Anyone can have an idea, few have what it takes to make it happen. Using verbs is not enough.
At the moment there is no track record. If you are not providing the expertise/solutions yourself then there has to be some incentive to to use the service.
The problem I see is you are asking someone to do most of the work for you. If you have no development experience you wouldn't do this on your own, you are realistically looking at paid development.
grep is your friend.
I thought that has been the main topic and not the "come and join us".
Never done anything with invitations but I guess there is some hook so that you can create a rule to award it. Not sure about the pyramid system though... Implementation for someone not familiar with Vanilla would take some time (I say that because I do not have a clue
Easy done with some "Like" reaction award. Anyone with basic PHP knowledge should be able to build that rule with the help of the given rules as a blueprint
Does that mean: some points for every post? Easy to write a YAGA rule for that.
How to decide what is a fix? And how to decide if the video is not some funny cat video but a tutorial? Either you need a mod who flags it as such or moves it to a special category, or you need to base that decision on user reactions (something like awesome vs. insightful here at vforg). Whatever the solution is: easy to implement with YAGA. Deciding that question will be a harder
Thank you RJ,x00 . Simplicity is the key ...Thefixboard wants to simplify everything . Clarify , simplify , Find the core and work on the core.
We connect
We learn
We fix
We teach
As I was reading your post I got an Idea to Just create 4 categories and based on people likes and dislikes. We can rate the articles.
However thefixboard would still need a users score board where he gets points for the amount of connections he has and his uplink will get points for every new person added and same for all the posts etc.
Thefixboard appreciates any help and any direction you can point in. We are willing to put in some development costs .
So thefixboard looks to your help and advise .. We learn
@thefixboard all the best. I think need more of a plan than just words, it it lacks a comprehensive strategy. It doesn't matter what you want to do, if you other's lack interest. You would have to create that incentive.
grep is your friend.
If you keep talking in third person, people will get bored with your board - thought thepergrine in third person form.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thank you peregrine for your tip.. We learn
I had a different thought...
you can't, you've already been assimilated into groupthought, we want to inform you.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine: you mean I'm already connected and fixed?
Thanks for the info. We learn.
@thefixboard: really sorry for going mad in your thread. I promise, I stop now. I really think YAGA is the way to achieve what you are thinking of.
I'd suggest you go and make your first steps after installing it by thinking of reactions for your board and how you want to reward them. Afterwards try if any of the existing rules fit your needs and if not, try to create your own rule. If you get stuck, don't hesitate to come back and ask for help. I'll bet you get great help here.
We teach, too
we agree with r_j.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
we agree with peregrine and r_j
Search first
Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.
Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.
Thank you RJ ,
really sorry for going mad in your thread. I promise, I stop now .. I really dint think anyone was going mad..
Probably i understood incorrectly..
here is the link to the app:
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Warning! This community-contributed addon has not been tested or code-reviewed. Use at your own risk.
I suppose thats normal
Thanks Peregrine.
Yes, unless the Vanilla staff got around to looking at plugin and decided to add approved.
but I approve, and I bet jj does and so does hgtonight
we approve!
In general
all of those should give you a warm, fuzzy felling or not!
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
We learn. We feel fuzzy , We feel warm
you need to get your markup fixed. peregrine didn't say that, they said that.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.