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Mention notifications going to wrong user

On Vanilla 2.1.6, I've had a couple of reports from users saying that they got notified about a mention in a given discussion, when they were not mentioned in that comment. I'm trying to figure out if it's consistent or not, but figured I'd see if anyone else has seen this happen. I've searched the community but can't seem to find anything.
have you identified the users and the discussions that it occurred in, to verify they are reporting the problem correctly.
do any of your users have two names
@Aaron Webstey would mention Aaron not AaronWebstey if your user name was first name space last name Aaron Webstey.
you could also look in HeadlineFormat of activity table - look for mentions, then check the story and compare the user against notifyuserid
the notifyuserid should always match the userid of the mentionname in the story
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Have identified two users (they reported the issue to me). They do not have two names (nor do any of my users), however the one thing they do have in common is that they both have 2 roles (they are 'officers' of the team for whom I'm running the forum, and I made a role to give them Announce permission). One discussion so far; waiting for input from one of them to track down the other discussion.
OK, just saw your edit. I'll look at that tonight, thanks.
Now a 3rd user reporting mentions on the same topic. In summary, 3 users got notified of being mentioned on 1 topic. One of the users said it was the 2nd time it had happened, but he hasn't said whether it was on the same topic or not. Still planning to check database tonight.
Does that role have Advanced Notifications enabled?
There was a bug where users received a 'mentioned' notification when they were supposed to receive a 'new discussion' notification if any user was mentioned in the discussion. This is fixed for the next major release, but could still be in 2.1.
@Linc Yes, actually my regular "members" role has advanced notifications enabled. Also, last night another user, who is only a regular member and not a "team officers" member, informed me that he had the same thing happen.
I didn't get a chance to look at the DB last night, and I can't do it during the day, but I'll get a chance tomorrow night at the latest. Thanks for the help!
simple solution turn off advanced notifications for everyone and have everyone save their notification preferences after you do that., and see if you still get issues. or maybe someone will tell you the fix for 2.1
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
the other side effect is any user that is mentioned in a post while using advanced notifications will not have the story set. so when they go to notifications it will not show the story in
profile/notifications (although minor issue if you don't care).
best not to use advanced notifications, if you don't want duplication and you want things to work properly.
until the new release with the fixes comes out.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks @peregrine ; I'll probably just turn them off for the time being. Very much appreciated.
I've gotten some more feedback, and this is exactly what's happening. Looks like that bug is still in 2.1. Thanks a ton, I've disabled advanced notifications (thanks to @peregrine too) and will await next release to re-enable.
@Linc as discussed in the 2.1.7 thread, I think I've found the issue on github:
I've read this:
And it assumes you have at least basic knowledge, which I don't. I've been reading about how to do pull requests here:
But I'm not even sure where the code you fixed it, and how to find it from the issue and branch it. I have forked the vanilla repo to my account, which I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to do.
Sorry for the trouble, if you end up helping me it's probably going to create more work than if you just did it yourself. I'll keep fudging around with it if you'd like.
To be able to see what changes were made in github for a file, the red highlight is what was changed or removed and the green is the contemporary change.
There is a tutorial about how to use it.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
TYAV, I'll read that tonight. Main issue right now is being able to find which file(s) he edited - after which I may be able to figure out how to proceed.
Poor record keeping on my part. I think I closed that late because it duplicated this: which references this commit:
Clone the GitHub repo and checkout the
branch. Start a new branch likehotfix/mentionnotification
, then checkout that branch. It will be a copy of the2.1
branch since that's the branch you were on when you started it. Now use git cherry pick to grab that commit, and push it to a branch of the same name on your GitHub account.From there, you should be able to click a green pull request button from the main page of your repo - GitHub likes to help you when you've recently updated a branch like that. Otherwise, just start a new pull request that compares your new hotfix branch against 2.1 on the main repo.
A realize I glossed over a lot of details but thought I'd start there.
Oh, and be sure to test that that actually fixes it
There are enough code differences that it might get goofed up trying to cherry-pick it, or maybe that's not even the right fix, who knows.
Bleistivt told me an easy way to do a pull request, which I do since I can't clone or do things on my local pc.
not sure if this the best or proper way, but I did file some pull requests this way.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I wrote a git/GitHub tutorial for Vanilla here:
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Update on this, @Linc : I opened the file referenced in that hotfix, and it looks like those changes are already there (I'm still on 2.1.6). So I guess that didn't fix it
The question is, is it actually fixed in the master branch and that's just the wrong commit, or is it still broken? I have a master branch I can fire up and test if nobody knows offhand.
With no one else reporting this and discovering the fix was already in, I'm having a suspicion that maybe your site wasn't updated correctly. You might confirm that files are being properly replaced during your upgrade.
Thanks, I figured as much. I actually started on 2.6 (didn't upgrade from anything previous), but I'm guessing you mean that the fix is in 2.7. I'll have to see if upgrading helps.
Sorry for the trouble, and thanks to everyone for the git help!! I'm betting it'll still come in handy