Articles v1.0.0

I've just released Articles v1.0.0. This application provides a way to publish articles or blog posts in Vanilla.
All planned features in the first release milestone have been implemented. A few more are planned to be added in a future release. If you find any issues, feel free to make a post on here or file an issue at:
A big thanks goes out to @hgtonight for contributing feedback and code for the app. Thank you, @hgtonight!
Another big thanks goes out to members of the community here who have contributed pledges for the development of this app via the "Articles / Blog App: Make It Happen!" post, namely (in alphabetical order), @angophora, @Bleistivt, @hgtonight, @jeongwee, @ohgot, @phreak, @R_J, @rbrahmson, and @vrijvlinder. Thanks, everyone!
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wow I almost forgot about this... considering it took you around a year to get it out... what we payed is chump change for the stupendous effort you put into this.
I salute you
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
Yes! Finally! This makes my migration to Vanilla complete. This is something I have missed so much after switching from IPB. Thanks for your work!
@StealthBravo, thank you! Let us know how it works out for you and feel free to share your feedback.
@vrijvlinder, thanks! Would you like to make an icon for the app?
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❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
I was going to cobble together an aggregation page for a site I want to do (aggregating a forum, a calendar and polls) and chose Vanilla because of it's embed-ability and it's support for SSO. It sounds to me like what you've just published may be the glue I was otherwise going to have to provide myself.
I'm a Vanilla newbie, so forgive me for asking such a basic question:
Is there some sort of install doc? This doesn't appear to be a plug-in, so I'm unclear how to deploy or configure it.
@toolsmythe, extract it to your
folder and install it from the Applications page in the dashboard.Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
@Shadowdare this is a great news and a nice addition to Vanilla. Thanks for that.
very nice application, works great
@Shadowdare - I'm such a newb! I actually did figure that out this morning and was coming back to confess my ignorance when I saw your response. Thanks and thanks for resisting the urge to poke fun at me.
Really nice app!
@vrijvlinder, thank you for the icon! The typewriter is awesome!
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How do you assign category or change category of an article?
@chanh, as long as at least one category exists, there should be a category drop-down on top of the "new/edit article" page's form where you can change the category an article is assigned to.
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
but how to create the "at least" one category? I only see the "uncategorized" but don't see a way to create more.
@chanh, go to the Vanilla dashboard and then click the link to the "Categories" settings page under the "Articles" section in the sidebar. Create a new category by clicking the "Add Category" button on top of the page.
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
I see it now. It is all the way down on the bottom. Thanks
I love the idea of the Articles application, thank you!
One thing that seems to be missing, or perhaps I'm just not understanding it correctly:
We'd like to be able to let people post their own articles. In order to do this without there being a review process before they are published, I have to give the members group the ability to edit articles.
The problem is, this lets them edit all articles, including those authored by other people.
Is there a way to allow people to edit/publish their own articles, but not other people's?
@khalwat, I've answered your question in your discussion at:
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