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Problem with UserPic or Change Avatar

Hi everybody. I update my forum to 2.1.8 and now i can´t upload or change the pics to avatar in the forum.
I did all that i read in a little post about to repair permissions or apply the 777 to all folders.
Only i see that when an user is registered in the forum it create a userpic folder with a number but in are not nothing. No pics nothing!!
Thanks in advance,
Regards from Spain
You did not need to change permissions to the folders if the permissions were good before. Do not 777 all your folders . That is very very risky.
You need to check the edit profile permissions in the dashboard to allow edit profile .
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Hi Vrijvlinder ok ok i express bad the last time. I only changed permissions to several folders that i saw in other posts. I did that of edit profile permissions and nothing. When i change a pic of a user (i´m admin) or my pic allways appear a blank image
Any idea?
can you edit anything else in the profile ? do you have a link to see ?
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Yes!! But appears in Spanish ok?
I can edit his name and all content only i have problems when i want to update or change an avatar or pic user
Ok I see what the problem may be.
You need to check the htaccess file, please post it here.
RewriteBase needs to be /foro
RewriteBase /foro
not #RewriteBase /foro
the # disables this function
and inside the config.php put
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Hi again
I´m afortunable to know english ^_^_y
I did all you said me but nothing. Does not work yet
Please if there is a moderator to fix this to hide the sensitive info @hgtonight thanks.
Ok tienes que arreglar el config.php y ponerle la version correcta de vanilla.
cambia esto en todo los lugares donde aparece mal la versión que estas usando
$Configuration['Vanilla']['Version'] = '';
por esto
$Configuration['Vanilla']['Version'] = '2.1.8';
Trata de volver a subir la foto a ver si se arregla.
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Nothing is not that the problem. I change the version and nothing. Don´t work
Trato de subir la foto de nuevo ? Es posible que sea la version incorrecta de FileUpload.
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**Finally i found the solution!! ** Only you must to run or and run structures and the scripts

Felicidades !!!
Y perdone por asumir que había ya hecho todo eso y seguía con problemas. A veces no es fácil saber que ya hicieron antes.
Que bueno que lo soluciono !!
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Nothing only it worked one time. I have the problem again T.T
Did you try to re upload the image ?
this is the image url
But it it a 404 not found error. You should try to re upload the image and see if it is saved. Make sure you have the latest version of every plugin.
Also disable debugger mode in the dashboard
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Nothing it doesn´t work I read other posts about upload any fix to FileUpload. I try all but nothing. I have problems to activate or desactivate that plugin and it recognize by the forum with blank forum some times...
I´m desperate u_u
Ok , no se desespere ..
Es posible que tenga que hacer el utility/structure varias veces hasta que ya no pase.
Tiene que deshabitar todos los plugins menos htmlawed para ver si es causa de uno.
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Perdón si hablo español pero es que quiero mejorar mi inglés
I don´t have nothing called Htmlawed in my plugin´s panel O_O
Yes that is ok, that is a plugin that is very important and is hidden in the dashboard so it can't be disabled via dashboard.
Run Utility/structure several times until no issues arise. Disable all plugins and see what happens.
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Nothing only appears this
Disable that in the dashboard. debugger , that info is informational not an error
Run this from the dashboard until no fixes . again
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Yes i missed that. Ok i disable the debugger but all is as before to change to FALSE the debug mode