We just merged a custom emoji set by @Todd into core and I'm totally in love with it.



  • Forget emoji, I want to post some Linear A.

  • @JasonBarnabe said:
    Forget emoji, I want to post some Linear A.

    Here you go: 𐘀 𐘁 𐘂 𐘃 𐘄 𐘅 𐘆 𐘇 𐘈 𐘉 𐘊 𐘋 𐘌 𐘍 𐘎 𐘏

  • AnonymooseAnonymoose ✭✭
    edited January 2015

    For Linear A to work seamlessly you'll need utf8mb4 in the database. See https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/issues/2082

  • Wow, the guy who posted that issue knows what he's talking about!

  • R_JR_J Admin

    The excitement didn't hold very long... ;)

  • BleistivtBleistivt Moderator

    But my excitement rose when I discovered the EmojiExtender, hidden in the editor folder today.


    Is it supposed to be in there?

  • @Bleistivt said:
    Is it supposed to be in there?

    No, error in my plugin shuffle. Thank you for catching that.

  • EmojiExtender is now correctly in the root plugins directory and works here again.

  • Is there a way of making them larger like the old ones ? I can't tell one from the other... They all look the same to me, green pees ... the code below makes them more visible..

    .emoji {
      margin-top: -2px;
      margin-bottom: -3px;
      width: 27px;
      height: 27px;
  • No, they're 15x15 on purpose. Todd has talked about doing an 18x18 set some day, but we definitely cannot stretch out his painstakingly pixel-perfect creations.

  • Anything is better ...I suppose when Todd needs reading glasses he will see thing my way :(

    .emoji {
    margin-top: -2px;
    margin-bottom: -3px;
    width: 18px;
    height: 18px;

  • valeryanvaleryan New
    edited March 2016


    So I have this issue. and I think you have it to.

    If you post just >:) as above, it seems to think it is smile... in quotes maybe...


    But if you put it with angel it works...


  • edited March 2016



    Test, test.

    Edit: Bug confirm. Might be something in the smilie config file (e.g. mislabeling).

  • noncenonce
    edited March 2016


    ">" any emoticon that starts with a > cannot be the lead character on a line otherwise it is assumed to be quoted info.

    you can use : naughty : without the spaces.


    same with



  • @nonce

    Then they need to change the naughty input code (which starts with ">") to something like (:C or =:). Reasoning? Front-end user doesn't know that:

    ">" any emoticon that starts with a > cannot be the lead character on a line otherwise it is assumed to be quoted info.

    you can use : naughty : without the spaces.

    Good catch, @valeryan steel.

  • noncenonce
    edited March 2016


    you said: Then they need to change the naughty input code (which starts with ">") to something like (:C or =:). Reasoning? Front-end user doesn't know that:

    yes, you could wait for them to figure out a change to the naughty code. and allow Artificial Intelligence to decide what should take precedence mark down or html angle brackets or code for quotes vs. emoticon etc.

    informational purposes only - if you are interested.

    or you could take the matter into your hands and create your own resource set and modify the manifest.php

    'aliases' =>
            ':)' => 'smile',
            ':D' => 'grin',
            ':(' => 'frown',
            ';)' => 'wink',
            ':\\' => 'confused',
            ':/' => 'confused',
            ':o' => 'open_mouth',
            ':s' => 'confounded',
            ':p' => 'tongue',
            ':\'(' => 'cry',
            ':|' => 'neutral',
            'D:' => 'anguished',
            'B)' => 'sunglasses',
            'o:)' => 'innocent',
            '<3' => 'heart',
        //    '>:)' => 'naughty',   comment out the alias.
            'O.o' => 'surprised',
            'o.O' => 'eh',
            '8-)' => 'glasses',
            '=)' => 'smiley',
            '>_<' => 'rage',
            ':3' => 'blush',
    'editor' =>
            ':)' => 'smile',
            ':D' => 'smiley',
            ';)' => 'wink',
            ':o' => 'open_mouth',
            ':p' => 'tongue',
            ':(' => 'frown',
            'B)' => 'sunglasses',
            'O.o' => 'surprised',
            ':3' => 'blush',
            '<3' => 'heart',
            'o:)' => 'innocent',
    //       '>:)' => 'naughty', 
            ':naughty:' => 'naughty',  

    by commenting out any aliases and modifying the editor array, you can avoid mishaps. the user can then use the dropdown box for emoticon entry. then if you type

                        '>:)'   it will stay as  '>:)'     and : naughty :   

    so users who comprehend the emoticon will see the correct emoticon, and those that use : naughty : will see the png replacement as expected and those that click on :naughty: in the dropdown box will get the correct replacement.

    just offering the idea to you, if you decide you want to create a new manifest.php with an alias removal and an editor box replacement.

    I don't envision a fix real soon, so the above explanation may be helpful if it is disconcerting.

  • @nonce

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I appreciate your input. Hopefully the developers will address this on their/this site (I use a different set of emoticons on my test account which doesn't show this particular issue).

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