Single Sign-on in Vanilla takes two minutes to create user regardless of Social platform used

ben_sevenben_seven New
edited February 2015 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


We're using Vanilla 2.1.6 and have correctly set up social login for Google+, Twitter and Facebook.

These do work, but for each one the 'connect' screen comes up and submitting the username then takes 2 full minutes, regardless of whether we tested Google, Facebook or Twitter for logging in.

2 minutes is of course an unacceptable wait for something that is supposed to save our users time! I wondered if anyone had any suggestions as to what might be causing this?

Thanks in advance.


  • Open up the dev console in your browser to see where the hangup is. That's probably not Vanilla "processing" something, it's Vanilla waiting on a response from somewhere.

  • Have you profiled it to see what is taking the longest time?

    Open up your network tools in your browser, clear the log, and start the request. You should get a nice breakdown of what is taking the longest to load.

    A high latency connection might be causing the delay/timeout. Have you tested on multiple internet connections?

    The network tools should help you determine what the root cause of your issue is.

    FYI, using social connect takes < 15 seconds on virtually every site (Vanilla included) for me.

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  • I'm a colleague of @ben_seven, we've now tried this on multiple internet connections and the results are always the same.

    We've looked at the network tools in the dev console, the only thing that is there is a pending POST request to /entry/connect/twitter. It consistently takes 2 minutes before being redirected to /discussions. However the user is created almost immediately as verified by refreshing /user in a separate browser window.

    In the Apache access logs the POST /entry/connect/twitter request and subsequent GET /discussions one appear at the same time, but the former has a timestamp of two minutes before the latter.

    So it would seem that something the /entry/connect does is what is causing the delay. All other forum activity is super fast.

    Feel free to verify for yourselves at

    Any other suggestions on how to debug/fix this are greatly appreciated

  • Further update: This issue is also occurring whenever any user account is created, by normal registration or SSO.

    Any ideas?

  • ben_sevenben_seven New
    edited February 2015

    Further update: This issue is also occurring whenever any user sends a private message.

    We have fun.

  • It could be an issue with insert/update operation with database, could be an issue with other plugins, could be an issue with memory caching, it could be an unstable version of php.

    grep is your friend.

  • Profile it:

    Then use cachegrind to analyze it.

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  • How many users are in your user table?

    Have you updated your database structure with /utility/update?

  • Sweet, thanks for posting the solution!

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