Why not host Vanilla Cloud locally?



  • I'm not offering anything, or selling anything. I'm not affiliated with Vanilla the company.

    I'm saying the features get benefit from economy of scale. So you may be able to to replicate feature but not capacity.

    At your scale make do with he plugin that are available, and/or make you own, should be fine. Simple as that.

    If they offer different product they have think how that will affect the value of the existing product, and how that will affect overall funding of the whole project.

    grep is your friend.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited February 2015

    Well, it would be possible for the very very bear boned version to just not have phone support or whatever you're offering at the moment.

    You are not expected to put together a business plan and tell that to investors. In short it is easy for you to say.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 said:
    You are not expected to put together a business plan and tell that to investors. In short it is easy for you to say.

    It was an idea, not a demand.

  • You might as well ask facebook why they won't give you all their code - since they already opensourced some of it - and after all you just want to run a tiny facebook for a small group.

  • @Lokio27 said:

    Sure, I understand, just not a new one.

    grep is your friend.

  • @Bleistivt said:
    You might as well ask facebook why they won't give you all their code - since they already opensourced some of it - and after all you just want to run a tiny facebook for a small group.

    Did you read the rest of the thread? I said I didn't want all of the features for free, just for a lower price. I would change the OP but I can't edit it.

  • Vanilla is unlikely to do a fremium model. As GPL doesn't really work well with fremium, and it undermines their existing services and customer base on hosted.

    Other business may do it, but they start out on that path. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the model. I wouldn't rule it out, but not high on my list.

    grep is your friend.

  • Fremium is good when the purchase is worth-while, though

  • @Lokio27 said:
    Fremium is good when the purchase is worth-while, though

    That is a generalist statement. Fremium by its nature limits what you can do with the code.

    Anyway I have said all I'm going say on this

    grep is your friend.

  • @Adrian: you have hidden that $99 plan quite well: http://vanillaforums.com/plans. I have looked at that page twice without finding that option...

  • AdrianAdrian MVP
    edited February 2015

    @R_J it's not hidden if you scroll... :p

  • I know, I found it at least:


     Price 1! 

     Price 2! 

     Price 3! 

     Price 4! 

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    Info, Info

    Yeah, we admit there is something else that we do not like to talk about...


  • I also had thought the starter plan was discontinued until @Adrian pointed it out in a thread a while back. Top of the fold really does mean everything.

    On topic, what features are you looking for that isn't available on the OS version?

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  • Lokio27Lokio27 New
    edited February 2015

    @hgtonight said:
    On topic, what features are you looking for that isn't available on the OS version?

    Well, Infractions, professional looking votes, The better profiles, the notifications, mentions, rich content and Q&A. Idk which of those features are available in OS, because I know a couple of them are.

    Edit: Also, I think the WYSIWYG is different.

  • Not sure what infractions or better profiles are, but everything else is available on OS version. Mind linking to the better profiles/infraction thing?

    "Professional looking" is way too subjective to actually mean anything. Changing the display of something is generally trivial with some CSS.

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  • @R_J said:
    Yeah, we admit there is something else that we do not like to talk about...

    It's not that we don't like to talk about it, it's that 99% of our customers do not care about it. We're happy for every signup; it just that it's simply not a focus for us or our target audience right now, for exactly the reasons I mentioned.

  • @Lokio27 said:
    or whatever you're offering at the moment

    The defense rests.

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