addons search bug

edited June 2015 in General Banter

I have detected search bug when you are searching and browse addons.

When you do a search for a search word (eg. Users) you get results in 5 pages. When navigating to next page - 2 - 3
Search lost and found more pages appear.

This does not happen in community search.

Another thing I've seen when you give back in browser page appears expired ...

I think it gives a bad image to the forum especially for new users.


  • I could reproduce this bug as well just now. It looks like clicking "Browse Addons" sends the search query via POST instead of GET, yet when you click on a link to a page in the pagination bar near the bottom of the page, a "Keywords" query string gets added to the URL that does have an affect on the results of the page.

    As for going back a page after clicking on a page in the pagination bar, that can be fixed by changing the search button from a POST submission to a GET request.

    Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app

  • I was about to post a new discussion about this same bug. Fortunately I did a quick search first.

    The problem is as @steam described:
    1. Search for any terms in the addons browser that produces more than one page of results (for example, "vanilla"
    2. In the results, scroll down and click on any of the links for the next pages.
    3. The landing page is correct in numbering, but doesn't include any of the search terms (It includes all plugins).

    This is caused by malformed links. The links of the next pages are of the form:

    Note the "Form/" after the question mark symbol. It shouldn't be there. Manually removing it, as in:

    leads to the expected results page.
    It shouldn't be difficult to fix.

    On another note, since we are talking bugs of the forums, the "In this discussion" panel in the side menu doesn't include the original poster. Isn't that strange?

  • @ozonorojo said:
    I was about to post a new discussion about this same bug. Fortunately I did a quick search first.

    The problem is as steam described:
    1. Search for any terms in the addons browser that produces more than one page of results (for example, "vanilla"
    2. In the results, scroll down and click on any of the links for the next pages.
    3. The landing page is correct in numbering, but doesn't include any of the search terms (It includes all plugins).

    This is caused by malformed links. The links of the next pages are of the form:

    Note the "Form/" after the question mark symbol. It shouldn't be there. Manually removing it, as in:

    leads to the expected results page.
    It shouldn't be difficult to fix.

    On another note, since we are talking bugs of the forums, the "In this discussion" panel in the side menu doesn't include the original poster. Isn't that strange?

    Care to inspect the community repo here:

    Perhaps you can track down the bug in the path.

    Search first

    Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.

    Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.

  • /applications/addons/controllers/class.addoncontroller.php

    Line 774:


    Change to:


    That should do.

  • Search first

    Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.

    Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.

  • That was quick. What's next? Somebody with write access has to merge that and upload it to the hosting server, right?

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited July 2015

    @ozonorojo said:
    That was quick. What's next? Somebody with write access has to merge that and upload it to the hosting server, right?

    Yup. Done. Gold stars for everyone!

  • Tested the addon browser and working as expected now :D

  • R_JR_J Admin

    :star: Awesome! :heart:
    :sunglasses: Awesome! :awesome:
    :waving: Awesome! :mrgreen:

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