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One Click - Premium Vanilla Theme
Hi, it's with great joy that I announce that I've just released the One Click - Premium Vanilla Theme on ThemeForest.
OneClick was developed with a dream that with just One Click you would get a Premium Support Forum running in just a few minutes.
- One Click Installation (2 minutes)
- Ready to Support Envato Products
- Styles Editor
- Lots of Styles
- Plugins Ready
- Premium Support
Please let me know your thoughts, comments and suggestions. Thank you.
Hope you guys like it.
Congrats! What I see as a guest looks really nice!
Thanks, @R_J
You can also preview other forum areas on the preview screenshots:
@creativedreams I think this looks awesome!
I noticed in the search results that the item title doesn't wrap:
You mention your theme supports plugins without mentioning specifics. Does this support SphinxSearch and Yaga?
How do the flyouts look on the me module? (e.g. notification popin)
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Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.
Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.
Why look at screenshots?
I tend to buy skins merely as some kind of sponsoring and so I am buyer number 2! I must say, as a theme it sucks
But that's okay because it is not meant as a theme - which I simply ignored, although it could be understood from reading the description.
What would be the right way to install that as a theme? You should take into consideration, that not everyone starts from zero but there are a lot of people already using Vanilla.
I copied over the contents from the oneClick.zip in the themes folder to my existing themes folder, but that's obviously not enough.
In the themes views folder, there seems to be a copy of every Vanilla view, which is very bad practice. Are you really sure that overriding each and every view is needed?
But the style editor in the theme options is great!
@R_J ,First of all, thanks for buying the theme and supporting it that way.
About your questions:
In the documentation there's a Manual Installation section that explains every step that you should do in order to install the forum/theme. In my view, if you already have a vanilla forum, then you should know that you need to put the theme directory in the themes folders of the vanilla pack. That said, i didn't write that much in the documentation specifically about that, but, if you think it's not enough i will consider adding that to the documentation (really thanks for the critic and suggestion).
Yes, i did change a lot of the view files, which is not a bad practice, but the opposite, since it won't change the core forum files. I'm pretty sure about the overiding of the view, because i really need to change the behavior of some views.
I'm glad you like the theme options!
Thank you again for buying the product, and many thanks to the critics. They are very helpfull to improove the product.
I have to read more carefully... I'll take another look in the documentation and I will give feedback then!
And I agree: if you really had to change all those views, you have done it exactly the right way.
@hgtonight thanks!
Thanks for notice that css bug, it will be promptly corrected.
About the plugins, currently it support without flaw and with some own customizations the following plugins:
Others plugins should work also, but only they do not have the "One Click" aproved badge.
If for any instance you see a plugin that doesn't work, please contact me and I will give the propper support.
The flyout on the memodule... well, it looks good! It's all I can say.
Okay, installation was as straightforward as I've assumed, the problem is not the installation but the default.master.php:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/<?php echo Gdn::Request()->WebRoot(); ?>/themes/oneClick/design/base.css">
. If forum is in root of a page, the link starts with//themes
So you should better use
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo Gdn::Request()->Url('themes/oneClick/design/base.css'); ?>
Don't know about SphinxSearch, but the reactions below discussions/comments do not show up on hover. So YAGA is not supported
Edit: the "All Time Leaders" module belongs to YAGA, doesn't it? All span.Count are not readable ugly
Yes, indeed there is a bug on the stylesheet link that is wrong and it's beeing corrected right now.
About the SphinxSearch and Yaga, still didn't test those, but I will make it compatible very soon for sure.
It is good to see a buzz around vanilla. There are now several professional themes each working a different angle.
grep is your friend.
@x00 I think the angle is the same, pushing Vanilla Forums a step further, so that other new users can see the potential of this amazing forum engine, so that in the future we can grow this community and we all can contribute to develop a better forum.
Screenshots looks great but, no mobile version?
@Simeon_Griggs Offcourse there is a mobile version.
Just resize your browser and you will quickly see the responsiveness of the forum.
If you want, you can also see it on a mobile.
to install the same way as usual? download and place it in the folder /themes
@creativedreams ?
@jobbatam to install you have 2 options:
1. the same way as usual - put the theme in the /themes folder and then activate on the vanilla backoffice
2. automatic installation - where you upload the installer into your server and then fill up a form and the process is automatic
It's explain on the documentation: http://www.one-click-forum.com/support/documentation/one-click-installation.html
oke, thanks @creativedreams
i will try this themes,, very great look
@creativedreams any sensible person would never give permission to a cgi script to do file management of this level (except in an heavily sanboxed way).
Yes wordpress has the completely wrong approach, but there is a ssh updater plugin which is better.
I don't like the idea that novices are encouraged to set permissions tot his level.
You could create a client script that could do much the same thing in a safer way.
As I understand you are distributing a version of vanilla with the installer, so the theme and vanilla are packaged together.
grep is your friend.
@x00 before I answer to your comments let me explain my vision on this.
To install a new forum you will need to spend some good time to do that. My dream here was to create a mechanism that would allow people to put a forum runnning is just a few minutes. So, with that in mind, I create an automatic installation, that basically does what a normal user would do to install the forum, which is:
Basically this is what the automatic installation do (just like a person would do it).
But if you want, you can do this by yourself, or just copy the theme to the theme folder and do the rest on your own.
I don't see what's wrong with this approach, really. Time is valuable, and if we can save some time, let's do it.
About the wordpress approach, I can tell you that there are so many things that i don't like in wordpress, but, in terms of the installing plugins, I am 100% with them, after all, that's the main reason for their big success. I don't see what's the problem of installing a plugin automaticly, just like my script does, after all, if you would do that manually, you do exactly the same but with more time.
About encouraging novices to set permission to this level, well, if vanilla creates a mechanism for a fast and automatic plugin installation, novices won't be needing to do this. I think the community should gather and decide to develop this feature. I'm also available to contribute in this.
If you have another safe and better way to do this, like the ssh updater you mentioned, great, let's hear it. I love new thoughts and new ideas.
About me distribuiting a packaged vanilla and theme together, no, that's not what I'm doing. Like I explain above, this is a normal theme, but if you want, instead of doing the installation process manually, there is a script that does the same steps automatically, just that.
Uffff... long wirte.
Hope I clarified any doubt that you had.