i use "password" as authenticator
role id number of users who cant sign in is role id 8 and 33
that indicates problems here. 917 ...
if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.SignIn.Allow')) { $this->Form->addError('ErrorPermission 918'); Gdn::session()->end();
you could try unchecking signin allow and saving
and then re-checking and saving.
see if that works.
if still a problem with signin.
see this...
so check verify table is correct with phpmyadmin in your permissions table.
look at the row where roleid is 8 Garden.SignIn.Allow column should have a value of 1
also check your users to see if users are really assigned a role 8
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
This is the result i get when i do utility/update
role table for phpmyadmin
look in your error logs for php errors.
delete the .ini files in your cache folder
if your update is unsuccessful - you need to fix that first
regarding tables - you need to look in permissions tables -
but your woes are because you didn't tell us update was unsuccessful which need to be corrected first.
i use "password" as authenticator
role id number of users who cant sign in is role id 8 and 33
that indicates problems here. 917 ...
you could try unchecking signin allow and saving
and then re-checking and saving.
see if that works.
if still a problem with signin.
see this...
so check verify table is correct with phpmyadmin in your permissions table.
look at the row where roleid is 8 Garden.SignIn.Allow column should have a value of 1
also check your users to see if users are really assigned a role 8
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
This is the result i get when i do utility/update
role table for phpmyadmin
look in your error logs for php errors.
delete the .ini files in your cache folder
if your update is unsuccessful - you need to fix that first
regarding tables - you need to look in permissions tables -
but your woes are because you didn't tell us update was unsuccessful which need to be corrected first.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.