translation of Vanilla to Ukrainian language

Hello community!
I have some time working on the translation of Vanilla to Ukrainian language. For almost finished. But there are some nuances, which I need your help.
What I have in mind:
It seems to be all right, but if used as such translation $Definition['Unconfirmed Role Description'] = ' example translation'; or so $Definition['Users must confirm their emails before becoming full members. They get assigned to this role.'] = ' example translation'; nothing is translated.
In some cases, i simply changed part of the code and everything worked:
h2Using WordPress?/h2
h2<?php echo t('Using WordPress?'); ?>/h2
echo wrap("Use the WordPress plugin to embed your forum into a page on your blog, or use the universal code to embed your forum into any page on the web.", 'p');
echo wrap (t("Use the WordPress plugin to embed your forum into a page on your blog, or use the universal code to embed your forum into any page on the web.", 'p'));
For me it is fundamentally to do a full translation of Vanilla, would appreciate advice.
Best Answers
hgtonight MVP
@kopna said:
Hello community!Hallo!
...if used as such translation $Definition['Unconfirmed Role Description'] = ' example translation'; or so $Definition['Users must confirm their emails before becoming full members. They get assigned to this role.'] = ' example translation'; nothing is translated.
Where are you putting the definition?
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hgtonight MVP
You can test out definitions by adding them to
. Once you get everything the way you like, you package them in the locales folder.Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.
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Where are you putting the definition?
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Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.
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I insert a definition in the dashboard.php or global.php (site_core.php) but the result is always the same - nothing is translated.
You can test out definitions by adding them to
. Once you get everything the way you like, you package them in the locales folder.Search first
Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.
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maybe I did not understand anything, but in folder /conf/ no file locale.php
You can create a conf/locale.php
all you need in /conf/locale.php
I tried, but nothing has changed. Here, for example
<?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
// Створені категорії.
$Definition['General Forum'] = 'Загальний Форум';
$Definition['News Forum'] = 'Новини Форума'; This is a test forum
Sorry, but tried to do so:
@since 2.0.18
@access public
@param array $Data Dataset.
protected static function calculateData(&$Data) {
foreach ($Data as &$Category) {
$Category['Name']= T($Category['Name']);
but now when you try to change the language, such as English, translation remains unchanged
OK guys, I decided this question, in particular the translation of the names of the categories and subcategories.
For example:
$Definition['Humor'] = 'Гумор'; is located in the global.php
but it took the place of translation in reverse order locale.php
$Definition['Гумор'] = 'Humor';
$Definition['Technical issues'] = 'Технічні питання'; translation is in the file global.php but It is not in locale.php, and it works?
With the permission of a moderator, i would like to continue to keep the questions concerning translation.