How can i add an addon?

I want to upload a theme but only see this page:

Permission Problem
You don't have permission to do that.

Why? Thanks!


  • You need to be given the permission to do it. @Linc or @Adrian please.

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  • Oh thanks hgtonight i will message them, Are there any special conditions?

  • @ThemeSteam said:
    I want to upload a theme but only see this page:

    Permission Problem
    You don't have permission to do that.

    Why? Thanks!


  • It seems pretty hopeless, They come without respond :)

  • @ThemeSteam You should have permission to do it as you are marked as a developer.

    Please try again.

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  • The Developer role was missing the "Add" permission for some reason. I've fixed it.

  • Wow Thanks Linc and hgtonight, I'm so happy.

    I have some trouble! on the upload form i don't see a field for screenshots, how can i upload them?
    and how can i update the addon? Is there a review process like envato?

    Thanks again

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited March 2016

    You can upload screenshots afterward. There are management options in a toolbar above the main area when you own the addon.

  • Thank you Linc,
    Is free themes causes harm to 'Vanilla Business' and make them unhappy?? If yes, I'll Consider It!

  • noncenonce
    edited March 2016


    you said: Is free themes causes harm to 'Vanilla Business' and make them unhappy?? If yes, I'll Consider It!

    I have a question to ask you.

    How would a free theme vs a no-free theme harm Vanilla business in any significant way?

    presumably, Only broken themes would cause harm and themes that work would be good for business.
    if your theme is superior, it has a chance of being usurped, re-branded, and re-made in the next increment as a result of the licensing requirement, which could be good for business.

    If you offer it for free, it might harm your business (less income) or it might help it (public publicity). This might be hard to measure financially for you. A trade-off, possible win or lose.

    Would a customer choose a cloud solution vs. hosting themselves because of a theme? probably depends on the customer and the depth of the pocket.

  • @nonce Your answer was really informative and I have to think further, Carefully! That's right, The addons are under GNU GPL2 license and should be limited with less features.

    I'll never forget your hints and thank you for spending time for helping.

  • edited March 2016

    Guys! I have another problem! I see an error : "License is required." What should i include with zip file?

  • Solved ;)

  • rbrahmsonrbrahmson ✭✭✭

    Ensure you have the License option in your Plugininfo declaration. I've used the following successfully:

    'License' => "GNU GPL2"

    If it doesn't mention the issue to @ Linc (without the space) who solved a similar issue for me.

  • noncenonce
    edited March 2016

    it looks like BSD license works.
    impossible for me to understand. I haven't learned lawyering. Is copyright info required or not.
    What types of licenses work for uploading add-ons?

  • noncenonce
    edited March 2016

    thank you for the link. informative but adds to confusions.
    when license is added with GNU GPL2" - it relates to a version number,
    when license says BSD, does it mean clause2 or clause3 or ISC?
    is the copyright required to be visible on website, or can it just be within the code hidden from view.

    if no version is specified, should the least restrictive license be assumed, and how would this hold up in a court of law.

  • edited March 2016

    Your welcome sir, It's required but if you want to use the theme for 'a' project we have premium version without copyright notice.

    Please keep the copyright, The only thing that I expect from you in return ;)

  • noncenonce
    edited March 2016

    Thanks for the info regarding your theme. My question is license specific questions, not in regards to your theme, which I assume is fantastic, but I have not need to use it. But I was pondering over the meaning of the licensing in general, and the options available with the add-ons, Since it seems to be a point in contention, or something that blocks add-on addition, either through overlooked code issue or intention. Regarding some success of adding add-on vs. failure to add add-on.

    I found out the answer to one General question.

    the copyright only has to be included, but not displayed is my non-scholarly conclusion.

    "The only restrictions placed on users of software released under a typical BSD license are that if they redistribute such software in any form, with or without modification, they must include in the redistribution (1) the original copyright notice, (2) a list of two simple restrictions and (3) a disclaimer of liability. These restrictions can be summarized as (1) one should not claim that they wrote the software if they did not write it and (2) one should not sue the developer if the software does not function as expected or as desired."

    If someone redistributes can they redistribute under a less restrictive license?

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