Umm certain plugins just don't work

edited August 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

When i enable hooks "Custom pages" and "Who's online" gives me a blank page when editing settings...



  • @cheesezwheel

    'Hook's has a different meaning in Vanilla.

    They are plugins.

    I've edited your title, and moved the discussion to 2.2 category.

  • Thanks!

  • Blank page is not an error it is more of a symptom. You would have to find out the real error message

  • @R_J said:
    Blank page is not an error it is more of a symptom. You would have to find out the real error message

    i can't find anything

  • These plugins might not be compatible, please use BasicPages , or ExtraPage plugins to make more pages.
    Use the OnlineNow plugin instead of WhosOnline.

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited August 2016

    btw red and yellow on the spreadsheet link means someone found issue with add-on.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • some were reported here but were never deleted because of popular demand to keep the broken ones available for download.

    I think that it is good to have old plugins around for archeological purposes. They could be tagged as too old to know if they work :p

  • I wrote a merged pull request to the community repo that provided community voting (and big warnings for down voted addons). I am not sure why it is not live. Any insight @Linc?

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  • Does it provide for a version level voting? Namely, if something is working on 2.1 with lots of upvotes, would those drown the down votes for a more recent version of Vanilla?

    Also, is the counter reset for new versions of the plugin (that may solve issues causing down votes)?

    In general I am all for a better "app market" - like system. Thanks for taking steps towards that.

  • @rbrahmson said:
    Does it provide for a version level voting? Namely, if something is working on 2.1 with lots of upvotes, would those drown the down votes for a more recent version of Vanilla?

    No. There is plenty of room for improvement in providing a "momentum" of votes.

    Also, is the counter reset for new versions of the plugin (that may solve issues causing down votes)?


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  • Your second answer may solve the first one...
    Again, thanks for the effort!

  • @hgtonight said:
    Any insight @Linc?

    cuz... I forgot to deploy it?

  • @Linc said:

    @hgtonight said:
    Any insight @Linc?

    cuz... I forgot to deploy it?

    Huzzah! :chuffed:

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  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited August 2016

    @hgtonight said:

    @rbrahmson said:
    Does it provide for a version level voting? Namely, if something is working on 2.1 with lots of upvotes, would those drown the down votes for a more recent version of Vanilla?

    No. There is plenty of room for improvement in providing a "momentum" of votes.

    Also, is the counter reset for new versions of the plugin (that may solve issues causing down votes)?


    @vrijvlinder said:
    I think that it is good to have old plugins around for archeological purposes.

    Cremation is preferential to burial no need to copy bad habits. A plugin moderator moving them to a new broken category seems like an easier solution with regards to clutter of broken plugins and it helps people who are unable to read. Broken plugin logic and broken general logic (voting, mismatched versions of vanilla to vote on)

    it seems like you would want to know if the plugins are broken for the stable release, but maybe that is just me.
    The voting is not for the current stable release.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • I believe Feed Discussions 1.2.1 doesn't work anymore, judging from my own experience (but honestly at this point I broke my forum in several hilarious ways, so I'm not the best judge of what plugins do and don't work) and some comments on the threads concerning the plugin.

    I'm now using @vrijvlinder 's magpie plugin (Thanks, much obliged!).

    I mention this especially because it's tagged with an "official" banner, which to me implied that it's regularly updated.

    I'd suggest to especially test the "official" plugins, and if they don't work to remove the banner.

  • edited August 2016

    @Caylus said:
    I believe Feed Discussions 1.2.1 doesn't work anymore

    I don't think it ever did..

    I'm now using @vrijvlinder 's magpie plugin (Thanks, much obliged!).

    Did you get that from a discussion zip ? lol That plugin did not work either but with some help from peregrine I was able to make it work for me.

    I basically use the System account to post new discussions. The category selection is sketchy but it is easy to select and move them later the category they should be in.

    At least it does post, regardless of the little issues.. :p

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited August 2016

    @Caylus said:
    I believe Feed Discussions 1.2.1 doesn't work anymore, judging from my own experience (but honestly at this point I broke my forum in several hilarious ways, so I'm not the best judge of what plugins do and don't work) and some comments on the threads concerning the plugin.

    I'm now using @vrijvlinder 's magpie plugin (Thanks, much obliged!).

    I mention this especially because it's tagged with an "official" banner, which to me implied that it's regularly updated.

    I'd suggest to especially test the "official" plugins, and if they don't work to remove the banner.

    Official means only that it is official, it does not imply that it works or that it is updated, sometimes the addons are abandoned in the add-on section and switched to github. Official implies nothing.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • Yeah, I got it from a discussion thread indeed. Had to fix an issue myself, in the version I downloaded (1.0) there was a line missing in protected function PollFeed($FeedURL, $LastImportDate).

    There should've been a $FeedKey = self::EncodeFeedKey($FeedURL); in there.

    For the rest it seems to work fine for me!

    @River said:
    Official means only that it is official, it does not imply that it works or that it is updated, sometimes the addons are abandoned in the add-on section and switched to github. Official implies nothing.

    That's what I figured out by now :P I'm only saying that the wording "This product is maintained by the Vanilla Forums staff and core team" is a bit misleading. A wording like "This product was created by the Vanilla Forums staff and core team" would already be a vast improvement IMHO, since it doesn't imply it's mantained.

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