Vanilla 2.3 release candidates (now: RC2)



  • @Ivan_Gurin said:
    This is Author Selector plugin by Matt Lincoln Russell.

    I have no idea who that is. :silenced:

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited October 2016

    @Linc said:

    why do you prevent the writing of locale_map.ini in the cache folder it was very handy for troubleshooting locale issues. the other mappings are not prevented.

    I believe it's simply that we don't use it anymore, so we're not going to continue writing cache files we don't need/use.

    • ok thanks. I can always turn off cache to look anyway. since the locale_map.ini is created when cache is disabled. I was confused why other mappings were created but others not when cache is enabled but your answer explains some of my confusion.

    • were you able to replicate the issue I saw. - wysiwyg w/ mobile theme emulation causes the comment toolbar to disappear. The js changes the css to make the toolbar hidden.

    It doesn't matter to me I don't use wysiwyg, but was curious if this is an edge problem, or just that wysiwyg is not supported in mobile or just a glitch with the mobile.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • Update on when 2.3 will be noob ready?

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited November 2016

    I see no need for weapons on the forum. there are too many wars and weapons already.

    if you have a downloadable zip (e.g. 2.3rc2) for all the changes you made 20 days ago. I'd be glad to test and try to find more bugs for you. if that is the reason for the delay. lack of people testing.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • Waiting for 2.3rc2 as well! :)

  • Hi, I did a clean installation to test the new in vanilla 2.3 and I found a error when I try create categories, or modify the general category, I always receive this error message.

  • @JoZ3_69 The error message has been reported and it should be fixed in the final 2.3 release:

  • I have updated the OP with details for RC2. Thanks to @R_J for most of the backporting work.

  • SwennetSwennet New
    edited November 2016

    Just a heads-up. The "on Github" URL in the OP doesn't actually link to Github at all.

  • @Swennet said:
    Just a heads-up. The "on Github" URL in the OP doesn't actually link to Github at all.

    Thanks. Fixed.

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