Just upgraded all pages not loading going back to index :(



  • @x00 said:
    you are lazy yet you call others lazy.

    True i admit it and hope we can move forward from here. :)

  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited December 2016

    The only way to usefully move forward would be for you to understand what you are talking about, but you don't seem to want to make the effort.

    If you feel that one of the senior members of the development team would bother to come on here and give you a false reply, then perhaps Vanilla isn't for you, since it is being developed by people you can't trust.

  • Your behavior makes you look like a bad guy, your laziness makes you "only" look like a bad business partner.

    And yes, thanks: my life is like living on clouds of cotton candy all the time.

  • edited December 2016

    Softalicious has a bad track record of inserting corrupt files. Then they don't have properly updated versions. Same with mojo market. One click installers leave you open for hacking. The info bellow applies to any PHP software you install using one click installers.


    Updating Vanilla has never been easier. Specially if you read the instructions. Then there are countless tutorials about the subject.

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    Softalicious has a bad track record of inserting corrupt files. Then they don't have properly updated versions. Same with mojo market. One click installers leave you open for hacking. The info bellow applies to any PHP software you install using one click installers.


    Updating Vanilla has never been easier. Specially if you read the instructions. Then there are countless tutorials about the subject.

    I will contact softaculous and see if they can sort that out sounds very bad yes wrong permissions etc also.

  • I'm not incorrect in assuming that in the time spend complaining on both the Vanilla forum and Softaculous one could have upgraded multiple times?

    At least the forum migration of my board game society went very, very smoothly.

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited December 2016


    actually you should see if a manual install works for you. if it does, then you can potentially attribute your issue to the automatic installation, but not until you prove that you can manually install 2.3 and have it working for you, otherwise you will be in the dark as to what your issue is, aside from the routing issue.

    if you can pinpoint the issue and the solution if there is one - you may provide some help.

    a few people have routing issues depending on their setup or the way they do things.


    since some plugins and themes could potentially not work with vanilla 2.3, you would probaby want to go to the default theme and disable your plugins prior to upgrade and then you can easily determine which plugin or theme or whatever gives you a problem, and if you have all the necessary php modules and extensions that are required by vanilla 2.3.

    Testing the upgrade with php 5.6 is the easiest way. (since php 7.0 doesn't work with 2.2.1 and it is eaiser to isolate isssues).

    I'm sure you have the ability to transpose 2.2 for 2.1 and 2.3 for 2.2 and follow the instructions.


    if you have everything working with vanilla 2.3 and php 5.6 then you could migrate to 7.0

    here are the self-hosting requirements and the some "official installation info."

    Self-Hosting Requirements
    We strongly recommend:
        PHP 5.6 or 7.0.
        MySQL 5.5 or higher (or Percona/MariaDB equivalent).
    If your server is not running PHP 5.6 or higher, you must address this immediately. All lower versions of PHP are no longer updated and are potentially unsafe.
    Our minimum requirements are now:
        PHP 5.4 or newer with --enable-mbstring and the pdo_mysql module enabled.
        If you intend to Migrate to Vanilla you will also need PHP with --with-mysqli.
        MySQL 5.0 or newer (or Percona/MariaDB equivalent).
    To use our social plugins, PHP's OpenSSL support must be enabled.
    Vanilla ships with a .htaccess file required for Apache support. Using nginx or IIS may require additional configuration.
    On the client side, Vanilla should run & look good in just about any modern browser. Still using IE? How exotic. You'll want IE8 or greater. IE7 might work if you squint hard and click gently, but we make no promises.
    We've been natively mobile since before it was cool. Vanilla ships with a mobile-optimized theme enabled by default for all smartphones & tablets. Heck, it even works on the PlayStation Vita.

    also install the curl extension for your version of php as well. if it is not installed already.


    official installation and upgrade info in Readme.


    and official troubleshooting http://docs.vanillaforums.com/developer/troubleshooting/

    Pretty much if you choose to use a different installation method (e.g. automated), you are on your own.

    Pretty much the most you should expect is that the version of vanillla that you are installing via the instructions in the documentation should work, assuming you follow the instructions. Anything else is icing on the cake and you may get the cake and eat it as far as open-source, but you may not get the icing you want.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • Will try thanks guys :)

  • @whu606 said:
    The only way to usefully move forward would be for you to understand what you are talking about, but you don't seem to want to make the effort.

    If you feel that one of the senior members of the development team would bother to come on here and give you a false reply, then perhaps Vanilla isn't for you, since it is being developed by people you can't trust.

    I trust vanilla i just wanted it to work like magic lol sorry nothing is that simple i know.

  • edited December 2016

    @sz1hosting said:
    I trust vanilla i just wanted it to work like magic lol sorry nothing is that simple i know.

    I found out this worked like magic 4 years ago (four year is old for software) after trying all of the free forum software available. It inspired me to create themes for it. Everyone I have helped install and use this , are grateful.

    Installation is FOOL PROOF , I am a FOOL so I should know. Fool, does not mean stupid.

    In this world, everything works the same. It only varies by levels of complexity. If you can grasp the basics. Complexity should be piece of cake.

    You just need to break it down to an understandable level.

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    You just need to break it down to an understandable level.

    Very true :)

  • Hi,

    I am from the Softaculous team.

    Sorry about the issue while upgrading Vanilla via Softaculous. Though we do test the upgrades and installs before launching the updates.

    If you can open a support ticket with us we can definitely check this for you :

  • @softaculous Thanks for participating here, we appreciate it.

  • Update: It seems i have way too much custom things going on with my forum and this is the main cause of the issues.

  • edited December 2016

    Updated newest 2.2 version works perfectly thanks guys :)

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