Users Struggle to Sign In Due to Refresh/Cache/Cookie Error - help would be hugely appreciated

Hi everyone, my new website is just about finished and ready for new members, but I cannot make any progress on this login issue I am having. I have already noticed 5/7 people who registered never made any comments at all, and I'm pretty sure it's because of this issue - for an empty forum like mine losing users like this almost wants to make me cry
I think this issue is related to caching or cookies somehow - is there maybe anyway to do a "Ctrl + F5" automatically after pressing on a "log in" option and the "Sign Up" option under /register?? I think this would automatically solve all my problems through my experimentation I have done so far
I have poured through all the similar threads on here, and none seemed to help. Apart from the "Ctrl + F5" solution I mentioned above, I really am unsure what I can do to fix this issue, so I'm just going to pore down all the info I have on this problem.
- I have tried setting $Configuration['Garden']['SignIn']['Popup'] = false; as @hgtonight recommended here - it made things slightly better, but it would be great if a popup-allowing solution could be found.
- So I have just cleared my browser cookies, my signin popup is off. I'm on a random page and click on sign in, which redirects me to the signin page. I sign in on the login page, and I get redirected back to my page correctly logged in.
But now, if I visit the home page, then it once again says 'Howdy stanger' - if the user refreshes the page then their login shows up (refreshes with F5 that is, if you keep pressing on the Home Page logo, the problem persists) - also if they navigate to another discussion page, their login shows up once again.
- At times the site absolutely refuses to allow me to logout as well - the only fix I could find is deleting my browser's cookies.
- I have already tried setting the cookie domain to
$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Domain'] = '';
and$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Domain'] = '';
and$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Domain'] = '';
- I didn't notice any difference at all. I saw this on other threads, but I believe it's to solve www. issues. My website is strictly https://www. so I don't think the issue is here. atm I set it to= '';
again. - I have tried switching off my plugins and applications - no effect.
This issue might be fine for some websites where the users will automatically think to press "F5" or "Ctrl + F5" - but it seems that my users don't do this based on the fact that they leave my forum permanently without ever making a single comment (they're not spambots either I'm 99% sure, as they usually post a spam status update at least).
Here is a link to my website if any of you wizards can get useful info from visiting it:
PS. To maybe better understand things, what does $Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Salt']
refer to? I couldn't find any info on that. Could it be related to my issue? Are there any other $Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']
options I could fiddle with.
Any help is hugely appreciated, I have been stuck on this issue for days and it's really killing my attempts at starting a new community. I've asked quite a few questions to this community in my first few days here, I hope to be able to provide help to others soon
I did a pretty bad job nailing down what the issue was, and I described it pretty poorly
this link seems to talk about the same issue: