Community Developers - the volunteer contributors of Vanilla

In 2016, we once again began granting core commit access outside the staff of Vanilla Forums, Inc. to individuals who have shown long term commitment to the project and an understanding of our workflow and culture. This began with @Kasper and @hgtonight, and today I'm pleased to announce @R_J has joined these ranks.
Community Developers have the same expectations and permissions as developers employed by Vanilla. Namely, permission to modify our public repos and resources, and the expectation they do so according to our established practices. Our public-facing workflow via GitHub makes it possible for new folks to become involved in the project and absorb our day-to-day activities and culture. Being added to this group recognizes folks who we feel consistently meet our standards over time. We do not currently accept applications to be added as a Community Developers, but we do accept contributions from anyone - you don't need the label to contribute, it happens the other way around.
I hope we find more folks to add to this esteemed group in 2017 and beyond. Thanks to everyone who contributed an issue or patch in 2016, and I hope to see more from you in the year ahead.