Vanilla 3.3 is now available



  • TheSageTheSage New
    edited November 2019

    I can certainly install the 2.1.8 DB and adjust the config. How do I execute the yourforum/utility/update? Via Browser directly or through the dashboard of the software?

    Also, to save a bit of time, where is the Config file in Vanilla? It's much different than PHP BB

    Additionally, if I have some customizations to the theme etc, what is the best way to update this? Is there a specific folder that houses these theme modifications?

  • @whu606


    I see that you meant to type config.php this is updated

    I can't find utility folders except within plugin folders....

    yourforum/utility/structure or update

  • @TheSage

    Yes, sorry, as you see, it should have been conf/config.php, but at least you got there! The utility commands run from your browser.

  • Most theme modifications can be achieved via CSS. For basic changes, the most straightforward way is to download the CSSEdit plugin from here, and add in the new CSS rules.

    If you are looking to make a lot of changes, you can create a custom theme.

  • TheSageTheSage New
    edited November 2019


    Since updating the Config.php, any URL under the YOURSITE produces this error. I assume this is an .htaccess issue, but I don't have a .htaccess in the root...

    Thoughts on how to access these folders?

  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited November 2019


    The first thing is to get 'under the hood' of the error message.

    Add the following configuration statement to conf/config.php

    $Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE;

    • if you see
    • $Configuration['Debug'] = FALSE;
    • change it to
    • $Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE;
    • Remember to remove the config statement or change it to FALSE, when you are done.

    This will give you a detailed error message.

  • @whu606

    Here are the problem children.... Thoughts on next steps?

    Fatal Error in Gdn_Database.Connection();

    An error occurred while attempting to connect to the database

    SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'sage_vani1la33'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    The error occurred on or near: /home/sage/BGM/library/database/class.database.php

    168:             if ($timeout) {
    169:                 throw new Exception(errorMessage('Timeout while connecting to the database', $this->ClassName, 'Connection', $ex->getMessage()), 504);
    170:             }
    172:             throw new Exception(errorMessage('An error occurred while attempting to connect to the database', $this->ClassName, 'Connection', $ex->getMessage()), 500);
    173:         }
    175:         return $pDO;
    176:     }


    [/home/sage/BGM/library/database/class.database.php:102] Gdn_Database->newPDO();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/database/class.database.php:580] Gdn_Database->connection();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/database/class.database.php:363] Gdn_Database->slave();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/database/class.sqldriver.php:1707] Gdn_Database->query();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/database/class.sqldriver.php:934] Gdn_SQLDriver->query();
    [/home/sage/BGM/applications/dashboard/models/class.rolemodel.php:231] Gdn_SQLDriver->getWhere();
    [/home/sage/BGM/applications/dashboard/models/class.permissionmodel.php:523] RoleModel::getDefaultRoles();
    [/home/sage/BGM/applications/dashboard/models/class.usermodel.php:5057] PermissionModel->cachePermissions();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/core/class.session.php:499] UserModel->getPermissions();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/core/class.auth.php:64] Gdn_Session->start();
    [/home/sage/BGM/bootstrap.php:517] Gdn_Auth->startAuthenticator();
    [/home/sage/BGM/index.php:22] PHP::require_once();

    Need Help?

    If you are a user of this website, you can report this message to a website administrator.

    If you are an administrator of this website, you can get help at the Vanilla Community Forums.

    Additional information for support personnel:

    • Application: Vanilla
    • Application Version: 3.3
    • PHP Version: 7.3.11
    • Operating System: Linux
    • Server Software: Apache
    • User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36
    • Request Uri: /
    • Controller: Gdn_Database
    • Method: Connection

  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited November 2019


    That looks like you aren't using the right password and/or user credentials in config.php to access the old DB.

    You need to specify a valid user/password combo for mySQL access in config.php. You can set this, or add a new user, via phpMyAdmin.

  • TheSageTheSage New
    edited November 2019



    I have rebuilt the database, created new user and password, associated the user to the db and updated the config.php

    Here is what we have now:

    Unknown column 't.FullName' in 'field list'

    The error occurred on or near: /home/sage/BGM/library/database/class.database.php

    403:                 // If we get here then the pdo statement prepared properly.
    404:                 break;
    406:             } catch (Gdn_UserException $uex) {
    407:                 trigger_error($uex->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
    408:             } catch (Exception $ex) {
    409:                 list($state, $code, $message) = $pDO->errorInfo();
    411:                 // If the error code is consistent with a disconnect, attempt to retry


    [/home/sage/BGM/library/database/class.database.php:407] PHP::trigger_error();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/database/class.sqldriver.php:1707] Gdn_Database->query();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/database/class.sqldriver.php:664] Gdn_SQLDriver->query();
    [/home/sage/BGM/applications/dashboard/models/class.tagmodel.php:314] Gdn_SQLDriver->get();
    [/home/sage/BGM/applications/vanilla/settings/class.hooks.php:726] TagModel->joinTags();
    [/home/sage/BGM/applications/vanilla/settings/class.hooks.php:726] VanillaHooks->base_render_before();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/Garden/EventManager.php:278] PHP::call_user_func_array();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/core/class.pluginmanager.php:810] Garden\EventManager->fire();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/core/class.pluginmanager.php:773] Gdn_PluginManager->callEventHandler();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/core/class.pluggable.php:205] Gdn_PluginManager->callEventHandlers();
    [/home/sage/BGM/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussionscontroller.php:228] Gdn_Pluggable->__call();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:872] DiscussionsController->index();
    [/home/sage/BGM/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:289] Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatchController();
    [/home/sage/BGM/index.php:29] Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatch();

    Variables in local scope:

    [sql] 'select td.DiscussionID as `DiscussionID`, t.TagID as `TagID`, t.Name as `Name`, t.FullName as `FullName`
    from `GDN_TagDiscussion` `td`
    join `GDN_Tag` `t` on t.TagID = td.TagID
    where `td`.`DiscussionID` in (null)'
    [inputParameters] array (
    [options] array (
      'Type' => 'select',
      'Slave' => NULL,
      'ReturnType' => 'DataSet',
    [returnType] 'DataSet'
    [tries] 2
    [try] 0
    [pDO] array (
    [pDOStatement] false
    [state] '42S22'
    [code] 1054
    [message] 'Unknown column \'t.FullName\' in \'field list\''
    [uex] array (

  • @TheSage

    That looks like it might be related to the Tagging plugin, which was added into the core since 2.1

    See the comment here and following:

  • @whu606

    No column labeled Plugins.Tagging.Add in the database nor do I have the stand alone tagging plugin.

    I also searched for t.FullName in the databases and in the class.database.php without luck...

    Where do I head next?

  • I did a fresh install of 3.3 with no trouble but it keeps throwing up an HTTP 500 error when I try to go to the site. I've searched all over the forums and I can't figure out what has gone wrong. Can anyone help? Thank you. :)

  • Besides this forum example, are there any examples of Vanilla Forums out in the wild?

  • @whu606 @R_J

    I have completed adjustments to the revised 3.3 (download from the website) and I have directed it to my old DB as you originally suggested. The site will not populate at all.

    I then created a new DB, uploaded the new "Developer" DB from my sandbox and it works as it does in the sandbox. BUT in the process of importing the old 2.8 BD into the new 3.3 DB I am getting this error, and content isn't updating.

    Do you have suggestions how I can get this to upload completely?

  • @whu606 @R_J

    I have completed adjustments to the revised 3.3 (download from the website) and I have directed it to my old 2.1 DB as you originally suggested. The site will not populate at all.

    I then created a new DB, uploaded the "Developer" 3.3 DB from my sandbox and it works as it does in the sandbox. BUT in the process of importing the old 2.1 BD into the new 3.3 DB I am getting this error, and content isn't updating.

    Do you have suggestions how to get this entire 2.1 DB to load into the new 3.3 DB and not error out at this table?

  • Whenever you change DB, make sure you run utility/update

  • edited December 2019

    So, I try to upgrade to 3.3 my usual back door way, and failed woefully several tens of times. Then I went to do a clean install and I see

    >You must have the gd module enabled in PHP for processing images.

    Whoaaa! is there a way to make this optional. I don't do anything with images, and don't want/need the forum to do anything with images.

    Any ideas?

    ...of course (in my case, it takes a fraction of a second to apt get the gd extension) ...still very flow-upsetting if it can be helped

  • Not even profile photos?

  • R_JR_J Admin
    edited December 2019

    The check is made in /applications/dashboard/controllers/class.setupcontroller.php line 318. You would have to change that file and remove the gd extension from the required modules. As far as I can see only the gd_info function is used, but it is used in the UploadImage class which is used for any image upload, even the profile photos

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