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FCKeditor WYSIWYG in Vanilla



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    edited October 2006
    Ok youtube plugin for FCkeditor is all done now working on Google video plugin What I'm doing is creating a generic video plugin that has tabs for youtube and google video. which ever one people want to use. Later it can be extended to include other videos like ones from Yahoo etc, plus WMV and avi ones too I'm going to duplicate the youtube code and make it work for google video. later someone can optimize the code to use conditional statements for subtle differences between the two.
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    robbrobb New
    edited October 2006
    After I've unchecked the FCKeditor on the Extensions page, all of my posts that had prior formatting now looks like ugly HTML code. Is there any way to get rid of this? I'd like to either get the html to be interpreted as HTML or get rid of all the ugly code altogether. edit: Ok, so when I click on a post that has ugly code and edit it to format comments as Html, then it goes back to normal. but it's going to be a huge pain to do this for every single message, so is there an easy way to convert all of the posts that FCKeditor htmlized and make the html in them recognizable?
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    edited October 2006
    From line 58 of extensions/FCKeditor/default.php, replace:$Context->StringManipulator->Formatters = array(); $Context->StringManipulator->GlobalFormatters = array(); $Context->Configuration['DEFAULT_FORMAT_TYPE'] = "FCKeditor"; $FCKeditorFormatter = $Context->ObjectFactory->NewObject($Context, "FCKeditorFormatter", $FCKeditor_allowed_tags, $FCKeditor_allowed_protocols); $Context->StringManipulator->AddManipulator("FCKeditor", $FCKeditorFormatter); by:$FCKeditorFormatter = $Context->ObjectFactory->NewObject($Context, "FCKeditorFormatter", $FCKeditor_allowed_tags, $FCKeditor_allowed_protocols); $Context->StringManipulator->AddManipulator("FCKeditor", $FCKeditorFormatter); if ( $Context->Session->UserID > 0 && $Context->Session->User->Permission('PERMISSION_HTML_ALLOWED') ) { //Make Kses formater the only formatter available to post a new comment or to edit an old one $Context->Configuration['DEFAULT_FORMAT_TYPE'] = "FCKeditor"; $Context->Session->User->DefaultFormatType = "FCKeditor"; $Context->Session->User->Preferences['ShowFormatSelector'] = 0; }
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    edited October 2006
    Line 18 should be also replace by:if( $Configuration["FCKEDITOR_LOGINREQUIRED"]===false || ($Context->Session->UserID > 0 && $Context->Session->User->Permission('PERMISSION_HTML_ALLOWED')) ) {
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    was that directed at me?
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    what file are you referring to?
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    edited October 2006
    With that changes, you won't have to change your old post formatting. Old post still use the other Formatter installed. But when someone try to post or edit a post, they don't have the choice of formatter and they have to use the one that come with the FCKeditor extension.
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    Sorry but I'm trying to get rid of FCKeditor and move to the Quicktags extension. My problem is that after disabling FCKeditor, many posts have html code in them.
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    edited October 2006
    Oh... I see.

    Go into phpmyadmin and execute this query:UPDATE `lum_comment` SET `FormatType` = 'kses' WHERE `FormatType` = 'FCKeditor' ; or UPDATE `lum_comment` SET `FormatType` = 'Html' WHERE `FormatType` = 'FCKeditor' ;

    Use the first one if you use the kses formatter or the second one if you use the HtmlFormatter of SirNot
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    thank you sir. although i had to change it to UPDATE `LUM_Comment` SET `FormatType` = 'Html' WHERE `FormatType` = 'FCKeditor' to get working (the LUM_Comment is case-sensitive).
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    Now thats a neat idea. Dinoboff, do u think i should make a check for whetehr the user is allowed html or not. casue right now i don't. I only check if comments are allowed for anonymous users
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    Hi, I'm using FCkeditor extention with googiespell spell checker and the spell checker stopped working. With FCKeditor extension enabled it finds no misspellings, without FCKeditor enabled, it works just fine. Any ideas on making these two extensions compatible?
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    where can i get googiespell
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    edited October 2006
    it seems to be IE only. cause it doesn't work in firefox I don't have IE to confirm it. looking at other thread. Spell checker is broken
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    edited October 2006
    I get these error messages when trying to start a new discussion in Firefox 1.5.1 using FCKeditor_2.3.2:

    Error loading (URL addy)/js/FCKeditor/editor/plugins/Video/lang/en.js (OK)
    Error loading (URL addy)/js/FCKeditor/editor/plugins/Video/fckplugin.js (OK)
    Unknown toolbar item "Video" (OK)

    Then it does load the editor. After a save, the discussion is displayed ... receive the same error messages before it displays the comment area.

    Safari displays the saved discussion with a comment area with FCKeditor off. In other words, Safari does not find the extension.

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    u didn't move the included video folder to the correct location. It needs to be inside the plugins folder
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    Got it, thanks. I didn't catch this in any instructions but probably missed it - if not there, seems like a good thing to include
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