User Wall -- give your users a Facebook-style wall (guestbook)



  • i've just noticed that the wall looks really wrong in IE7. it's sitting below flikr and audioscrobbler plugins, and some of the horizontal lines shoot off to the left. also, the usernames and comments overlap. not sure what is causing this at the moment (i usually edit CSS in firefox so i can't really play with it 'on the fly').
  • PolPol
    edited December 2006
    Hmm, sorry about that, circuit. I'll look into it. (I don't normally test in IE, since I use a Mac, but now that I'm on an Intel Mac, I should be able to torrent myself a copy of Vista to use in Parallels.)
  • Perhaps, given that the links on the RHS are just a bunch of links, some fancy CSS could turn them into a neat little dropdown anyway...
  • @pol: i have a couple of nerds helping me with the layout, and viewing the forum on IE6 (mac/PC), so i should be able to find out what the problem is in the next few days.
  • edited December 2006
    I get this error:

    "Notice: Use of undefined constant FRAMEWORK_VERSION - assumed 'FRAMEWORK_VERSION' in /root/vanilla/extensions/UserWall/default.php on line 126"

    It still puts the comment on, but it has that at the top, which is a bit confusing. I am using 1.0
  • If you're down, I'd like to see another role based permission for viewing these "wall" messages. That way it could be used for public wall stuff, but also as a way of mods leaving notes about users (as I'd like to have that around.) That way I can set it so that only mods can post & see the messages. I could probably hack that in if you want me to do it and submit you back the diff/code.
  • I think that's more of a job for a PM system, such as the one Jazzman is working on (which is actually just a clever new frontend to the existing whisper system).
  • I think chuyskywalker wants it so admins can leave and read each others notes about a user, not message the user :)
  • @garvin: This is only tested with version 1.0.1 and later; it may use delegates, etc. that aren't present in 1.0. You'd be best off upgrading.

    @Minisweeper: Ah, I see. But I think a better means of doing that would be simply adding a private admins/mods-only category, where they can discuss any modly issues that come up. That's how it's done on a PunBB forum I moderate, and it works fine.
  • True, but it's nice to have the commentary attached to a user's account, instead of having to find a thread attributed to them.
  • Pol, brilliant add-on. A couple of feature requests for you to consider: - Display the posting user's thumbnail logo beside their wall comment - Allow users to moderate their walls (not just turn it on or off - but delete comments - it's "their wall" after all) - Ability to add links / images to wall comments. That is just a wishlist of somebody who is completely new to Vanilla. But this functionality is the kind of thing da kidz over at Myspace are lovebombing.
  • @chuyskywalker: I think that's a great idea. I know several mod's who'd *love* that :) Just so long as the mods can prune it as well :)

    @Ed: I like the user's avatar being shown
    ...and the owner moderation (perhaps this is optionally set by the admin).
    Regarding the links and pictures, if this were to be implemented it would need to be optional IMO. So the admin can enable/disable it, and then each user can enable/disable it (provided the admin has enabled it). I personally wouldn't want anything but plain text on it, but I have a feeling that it's a very personal thing.

    Perhaps all three of those things should be admin and owner (of the wall) togglable? (Is that even a word?)
  • hey guys, i get this error happening to just a few of the users on my forum (about 500 of us) : any thoughts ? it seems to freeze up usage of the page for the person viewing it when it happens too.
  • edited December 2006
    This is similar to the problem I am having with the "Thankful People" extension on one of the servers I am using. I get this:
    Technical information (for support personel): Error Message Could not create User Wall table Affected Elements UserWall.undefined(); The error occurred on or near: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '; ' at line 9How can I fix this?
  • hmm i get that strange horizontal lines also!!! Its been a while so i was wondering if you are still working on that or if anyone has found a workaround.
  • *bump* - would really like to see this fixed so I can use it on my install.
  • do you mean have an error in your SQL syntax near '; ' at line 9
    my problem
    or both

    i dont have the syntax error but it wold like to see both fixed anyway.
  • I was speaking of my error. I haven't gotten as far as you have, yet : ) At least, not on this host.
  • lol
  • Just tried to install MediaWiki 1.8.2 and got this message:

    "PHP 5.0.0 or higher is required. ABORTING."

    Could this have anything to do with my problem?
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