[Extension] Comment Links 1.3.2

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
An improved permalink, based on comments from this discussion:
Req: Post # in Permalink.

Download here:
Comment Links


  • I hate giving negative feedback off the bat, just wanted to note that it does not work with FriendlyURL's ;)
  • edited February 2007
    Ouch, that is nasty. OK, the fix should be working now.
  • Great extension! I had allready changed the 'old' permalink extension (the text 'permalink' to '#'), but now with the exact number next to it's even better! Thanks!
  • Thanks to a suggestion from [-Stash-], I have done some extensive updating of the extension. I have been so excited about this I couldn't sleep... Basically, the extension looks to see what formatters you have and formats the link in accordance--single click, you get a menu of installed formatting options, double click and you get it in the format you last used. Right-click and you can copy the URL just like any other. Only problem is that it doesn't yet work in FF, although it should work with copy just like the filebrowser does (Anybody know why???) A total fix for friendly URLs is now in place.
  • Strange problem. Enabling this extension causes the display of the radio buttons for "Format comments as" to be dropped from the page. I am running the most current code of both Vanilla and this extension. It is a solid error -- toggling enabled/disabled consistently masks or unmasks the problem.
  • I've fixed that in a development version...along with Kses integration. You need to copy the value of the StringFormatters before for-eaching throught them... for some strange reason.

    The only known bug left is the copy to clipboard one.
  • edited February 2007
    Fixed the clipboard issues... it should work with any flash-enabled browser now.

    Opera has an annoying bug. Z-Index makes no difference:
    edit:Turns out this happens if you enclose a block element within a inline element... not sure how I'm going to fix this one...
  • Quote: WallPhone
    picTurns out this happens if you enclose a block element within a inline element... not sure how I'm going to fix this one...pic
    You could always use a table?
    May not be elegant CSS to please the purists but from the users' perspective it will look right. pic

    Posted: Tuesday, 13 February 2007 at 10:13AM (AEDT)

  • edited February 2007
    I think I found a solution by putting the menu in the comment body, while the link that activates it remains in the span. BTW, how well does it look/work in Safari? http://edacio.us/forum/?CommentID=138 Grr... positioning is now fubared in FF 1.5.
  • edited February 2007
    It looks great (in Safari), works too! pic

    PS: Love your "page delivered in..." script! pic

    Posted: Tuesday, 13 February 2007 at 11:50AM (AEDT)

  • Works fine in fx2. Don't suppose you could make the menu disappear when you click someone not on it could you?
  • OK, menu now acts a little more like an normal menu.

    Last thing is the redirection to a login form when a valid session is required...
  • Quote: WallPhone
    picTurns out this happens if you enclose a block element within a inline element... not sure how I'm going to fix this one...pic
    Actually, the reason for this is that is this is illegal. You better be careful or I'm going to sic the 3WC police on you.... Of course, they discourage you from turning inline elements into blocks, such as in:
    a.blocked { display: block; }
    but I break that one all the time. It helps to do CSS rollovers with attributes like widths and margins since the older browsers that suck (*cough* IE6 *cough) do not support :hover on anything other than anchors. For the record, I think IE7 sucks, too - just not nearly as much as IE6.
  • I completely agree with you, infact, when Opera started barfing I went to the W3 validator myself and found out it was illegal. Interesting that the fact positioning an element absolutely, which technically 'completely removes it from the normal flow of the page' does not give you licence to violate the 'inlines cannot contain blocks' rule. You can't block your spans either to get around this, since it is enforced completely independant of styles.

    Its all OK now, except for the fact that I am blocking my a's...(shhh, don't tell :-) they make much friendlier menus with more logical clickable areas. I suppose a lot of padding with a hidden overflow would replicate... but I think a little rebellion here doesn't hurt.
  • Is the extension updated? I'd like to give this new one a go :)
  • Sure is. Will probably sit it at 0.9.5 for a week or two.
  • edited February 2007
    I was able to finish everything I wanted to with this extension... so its now officially version 1.0!

    EDIT: Somehow, I forgot to include the _clipboard.swf file in the download. If the clipboard functions don't work... that file needs to be in the CommentLinks folder. Fixed in add-ons.
  • Look forward to checking this out later today :) Nice work WallPhone :)
  • I didn't make the change yet on my main forum... But I noticed this extension's URL are different from Permalink's URL. It has really nice features, but my question is: if I install this instead of the old Permalinks extension, where will my old links point to? I mean, I'd really love to use this, but what about old bookmarked comments?
  • The old permalinks point to an already existing anchor, so they should still work. I will double check on that.

    However, I have slightly changed the way they are linked if you have Friendly URLs installed so that they will continue to work if friendly URLs is later turned off. This last update is pending a round of tests, and should be released tomorrow.

    This update fixes an incompatibility with Comment Protection and makes pages that are much more lightweight, since the menu is generated entirely with Javascript, rather than embedding the menu in every comment and the script just showing or hiding it. There will also be a theme file packaged with it that allows you to copy a comment's URL directly from the comment search results page.
This discussion has been closed.