[Extension] Comment Links 1.3.2



  • Quote: WallPhone
    pic There is also an attempted fix for a Safari bug that keeps the menu from appearing a second time once it has been opened and closed. pic
    Nope, sorry mate, issue still persists! pic

    Posted: Thursday, 15 March 2007 at 4:45PM (AEDT)

  • hi 2 all.I have a question. In what coding the name of a theme is copied? My database coding is cp-1251, but the name of the reference is displayed incorrectly. How it is possible to correct it?
  • This may answer your question: http://lussumo.com/docs/doku.php?id=vanilla:administrators:encodings
  • Thanks, I have read through. Today has created base with the utf charset and instal new vanilla forum, but the problem has remained. When Comment Links is copied discussion title, distinguishes half of letters, for example, the discussion title: тема первая, кодировка утф
    but the link is
    ....?CommentID=3 (�FFDема пе�FFDва�FFD, коди�FFDовка �FFD�FFD�FFD # 3
    Other extentions, such as Preview post works great with this charset
  • Oh I see... My guess this is caused by encoding the name in PHP, but its decoded by Javascript. I'll see what can be done to fix that.
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