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Vanilla on an iPhone (Safari 3.0)



  • ithcyithcy New
    edited July 2007
    jef raskin would have you fed to the pigs. (Wanderer)
  • Yo ithcy, who's Jef Raskin when he's at home, is he Jewish?

    Minisweeper, I wasn't referring to the browser itself when I said 'intuitive' I was speaking to the comment that the window and interface does not behave like a Windows window, such as resizing from the edges, close thingy on the opposite side etc.

    As for the family getting excited because of a browser, they love the popup blocker that actually works. On their PC they are forever turning it off on some sites that have valid external windows then turning it back on, then going back to the site and waiting for ages for the log-in popup forgetting they forgot to turn off the popup blocker! Safari can discriminate much more reliably between a scripted annoying popup and a valid linked popup.

    As for getting out more, who's sitting here at their keyboard in futile attempts to defend an inferior... everything?

    Posted: Tuesday, 10 July 2007 at 8:24AM

  • are
  • <childish mode> no you are </childish mode>

    Posted: Tuesday, 10 July 2007 at 8:37AM

  • i'm pretty sure we both are, lets be friends
  • Of course, you're on my list of friends, however not on my speed-dial top 10, now I wonder if you can make my Christmas card list?

    Posted: Tuesday, 10 July 2007 at 8:50AM

  • adblock plus: smarter than safari
  • all popup blockers let through properly scripted links that you click on unless you specified otherwise.

    your family must be dumb pc users...
  • Yup, that's a given if you persist using a PC by choice :-)

    Further to the title of this discussion, Marketcircle have released an application that gives you a pixel-accurate web browsing environment—powered by Safari—that you can use when developing web sites for iPhone. It's the perfect 320 by 480-pixel canvas for your iPhone development. And it's free, but you need to be running OSX of course.

    It even rotates into landscape mode if you tilt your screen!

    Posted: Tuesday, 10 July 2007 at 10:43AM

  • WandererIt even rotates into landscape mode if you tilt your screen!
  • HOLY CRAP! THE SCREEN ROTATES INTO LANDSCAPE MODE! It's as if I didn't have this technology on a Tablet PC a few years ago. No wait, I did. Granted it didn't do it in a showy fashion but then I'd rather things just did what they're meant to without having to slide, wobble, spin etc;
  • The thing that really gets me is that Wander blathered on about Mac program interface consistency yet the windows iTunes and Safari differ quite dramatically. Windows iTunes is a very good example of the some of the benefits of the OSX interface running under Windows, yet still behaving as you would expect a Windows app to as well.
  • Well Apple are ignoring their own Human Interface Guidelines with Leopard anyway so I can't expect much from them.
  • image Do you guys sit there like all the fake operators at CTU
    and track my every move and record my every word so you can sick
    Jack Bauer onto me at the first opportunity?

    I love it!

    And giginger mate, you actually read that article
    and wasted your valuable brain cells on digesting it?
    "Get a life" comes to mind but that's off the record OK
    just in case Chloe is recording this.

    Give it up guys, you are clutching at straws, and that's off
    the record too!

    Posted: Wednesday, 11 July 2007 at 7:46AM

  • Yes I did read it. Hence why I linked an Apple peon, like yourself, to it. I'm amused you say we're clutching at straws. Whatever helps you jerk off onto your Mac.
  • pic
    You really clutching at this "angles don't match" straw and think you are making a point?

    Oh dear, my dock icon angles are off, Mac OS X is ruined, I'll convert to Windblows Vespa, no wait, I'll have to measure the icon angles first, I might need to convert to Linux instead, but wait... does Linux have perfect icon angles? Woe is me, my computing life is ruined.

    So I'm peon now? That makes you a drongo!

    Posted: Wednesday, 11 July 2007 at 8:39AM

  • maybe we could contain all this mac vs. pc drama in one thread instead of spilling it all over the forum.
  • It was in 1 thread but it got closed cause it was getting a bit rude. It's mainly only in 2 threads at the moment though...
  • It wasn't closed because it was getting "rude" I was told by the big guy that it was closed because a silly little boy (my words not his) went crying to his mum and dobbing to the teacher that his feelings were being hurt by a big bad bully who kept teasing him. ;-)

    I'd love a discussion where this "drama" could play itself out, we could give "Days of Our Lives" a run for its money!

    Posted: Wednesday, 11 July 2007 at 10:33AM

  • I'm failing to see the clutching at straws thing. You're the one still going on about it. I linked it and left it there. So who was the silly little boy then?
This discussion has been closed.