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Site List of Vanilla Users

edited 2007 22 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there a list of sites using vanilla yet? If not let's start one here. I have about three sites in the pipeline that will be using it.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    One of the changes in the next revision is going to be a "phone home for updates" feature that will prompt administrators to check for upgrades periodically. Another one is to "phone home for extensions" that will allow administrators to check our server for new extensions and download any ones they like. When these features are implemented, I was thinking that I'd record all unique pings and build a list of vanilla-using forums online that way. If for no other reason than to track just how many forums there *are* out there. I'm not sure about the privacy issues involved with this. I may have a prompt for administrators like "Do you want to send Lussumo information about your forum for our statistical purposes or not?" and then record or not based on that. I haven't fully thought out the features yet - but it should be a nice way of getting an idea about just what is going on out there :)
  • Provided there was a clear way to opt out, then I think that'd make a fantastic feature for the board. Being able to track just how widely Vanilla is being used would be awesome!
  • As far as stuff in england goes, i think you're allowed to take peoples 'data' unless they specifically tell you not to, and then they have to have the ability to know exactly what data you hold and why. I'm pretty sure with a simple 'Please allow lussumo to track forum useage [disclaimer]' type thing you'd cover your back. In any case i cant see anyone complaing..but you never know with some of the bastards out there. Glad to see your implementing updates/extensions update stuff, and cant wait for some of the stats you can turn out! Perhaps grabbing the number of users/posts/discussions etc too could create some pretty nifty info.
  • Is there a list of sites using vanilla yet?

    kinda have something like that here.
  • In Europe there is a general OPT-IN policy. People have to agree if you send them something or include them in some lists. US is more OPT-OUT ...
  • EUROPE SUCKS! kidding...
  • Why not leave GoogleBot or some other Bot do the job? Leave some special and unique word in the template, HTML, CSS (are comments in CSS indexed? I wonder) or so on, and Google'll tell you everything you didn't want to know ;-) Along with the opt-in policy, a certain number of servers won't allow to do what you'll have planned for "phoning home", whatever it is, if the admin is paranoid or competent ...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It won't be an automatic thing. It will be prompted by an admin clicking a button that says "Yes, check for updates and share my vanilla information now" or something like that. If people don't like it, they won't have to use it.
  • I'd like this implemented for sure. Would make life easier.
  • Oh perhaps I missed the point then. As long as it isn't automatic, it's a good feature!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I just found that is using Vanilla as their discussion solution :)
  • >> One of the changes in the next revision is going to be a "phone home for updates" feature that will prompt administrators to check for upgrades periodically. Another one is to "phone home for extensions" that will allow administrators to check our server for new extensions and download any ones they like. When these features are implemented, I was thinking that I'd record all unique pings and build a list of vanilla-using forums online that way. If for no other reason than to track just how many forums there *are* out. YAY! Thanks Mark. I think I raised a few of those issues, but I never saw them resolved their corresponding threads. I am glad to see them included in the next version.
  • Continuing the "sites using vanilla"-list. I noticed that Brack Sucks (a guy who makes free music) is using Vanilla for him forums:
  • I just installed Vanilla on my site today and I'm still looking for ways to integrate it fully into my site. I'm planning on creating an entire theme for Vanilla which will include my homepage and other pages as tabs at the top.


    All I have to do now is figure out how to mess with Vanilla....loving it already though. Y'all keep up the good work!

  • My mind is trying to reconcile the sorts of things we used to do in IRC channels, with the sorts of things that would be allowed to happen in a Christian IRC channel.

    Not coming up with much... :D
  • LOL...We have lots of fun! The most fun is watching the trollers come in and actually try to deter someone's faith....
  • Ok, i'll add my 2 sites... NetLinkage has heaps and heaps of useful links for anyone whole goes on the net. It contains a ton Graphic/Wallpaper Sites, heaps of links to downloadable CMS's, forums, programming stuff and anything else that is wanted you will probably find it there. At the time of posting, this site hasn't been themed yet, though i'm planning to completely theme it soon. It's also got quite a bit of content, though it's not got all the content i'm wanting to put into it, so although it's not up to scratch, it's got a heap of content at the moment. This site also doesn't have a theme installed onto it, though i'm not aiming at this site to be a completely mainstream site as NetLinkage. This site is dedicated to primarily website programming and it has heaps of code for people to view and learn from. Well, those are mine, though they arn't the most popular sites, and i might be needing to change the name of one of them as he domain name is already taken, they are getting a bit of traffic (although not many are registering...) from a heap of people.
  • I just noticed another one, called The beautiful lie. It's quite interesting, because whoever made it has edited Vanilla and made it into a blog platform. The first post of a discussion has a big title, and then under it there's a header saying "Comments", so all posts after the first are comments on the first one.
  • That's a pretty impressive mod.
This discussion has been closed.