google talk...

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How many people have had a play with this? I just downloaded it cuz jerm linked me up and i continue to be impressed with googles ethos. It appears to me that theyre very much going down the simple but kickass route which is nice. dknowles, tell them to make a desktop OS :P


  • As I use a mac, they don''t have a client. I followed all their instructions for iChat, Adium and Trillian but could not get it working. Most disapointing. I know it is still beta, but I would have thought a company like good would have been more inclusive by making two version of thier software.
  • (as a pointer, you can get msn for mac. though you might not want it. meh) I'm surprised there isnt a googletalk for mac though.
  • I have tried MSN for mac, and I dislike it. I use adium as it is open source, should support all chat formats (all except google talk it seems. but I don't understand as it is just a fancy jabber service). I get to write all my own nifty features, as well as changing anything I dislike about the application (not much now).
  • ahh, sorry, i misread your post. I thought you meant you couldnt get any of the named clients working on mac not that you couldnt plug googletalk into them. I wish i could write apps.
  • I don't write them, I just compile them and 'edit/manipulate' them.
  • GoogleTalk works with iChat fine on the Mac.
  • Gtalk works with adium fine, too. And I use gaim at work.
  • I've been using Google Talk with Gaim. The official client is decent. It's a little inconveniant that we can't chat using other protocols. Google's working on it though. Until they support aim and msn, I'll continue using Google Talk with Gaim.

  • It's a little inconveniant that we can't chat using other protocols.

    from what i've read it's using the Jabber/XMPP protocol but not connecting to the wider jabber network action yet. Supposedly something they're working on as well.
  • I've been using Google Talk with Adium at home. Just another way to get ahold of me. I've also been using it at work with the official client because it blends in extremely nicely with Google Sidebar and Gmail. Now I only wish I had more people to chat with, because I know exactly one person trying it. :P
  • 这是一个好软件ï¼?
  • on the assumption you dont know what google talk is,
  • Well. I guess I should look into it a little further then. I don't knnow how much I am going to use it though. I am quite happy with AIM.
  • oh i'm by no means suggesting people should use it... i cant see all the people i chat with on msn swopping over in the near future so i probably wont be using it much atall. I was more pointing out that it was a nice piece of software.
  • lamentlament
    edited August 2005
    those that can't get it working in iChat don't have Tiger, most likely. Tiger is needed.

    it would be great to have the actual talk function working between Mac and PCs, but otherwise for Mac people, it's probably not worth it to setup through Jabber just to use IM.

    i use it tho on my PC..

    lament [at]

    and i do like the Gmail integration.
  • I have tiger. I know it uses the Jabber interfce in iChat. But no luck.
  • you've done this and it still doesn't work? I have a friend who's using iChat just fine.
  • Well... I did all that. And di it again, but... I have it working now. I have 9 computers on my home network (no need to ask about why I have so many computers in my house), and I have high security on my wireless network. I turned off the security on the wireless (well, lowered it) and turned off the firewall and it now works. I have no idea WHY those would have hindered my use of this, but it works now. Thanks.
  • As for why I have such security. My neighbours were stealing my bandwidth. Short of covering my house in layer-upon-layer of aluminum foil, I though that was the best way.
  • is anyone not getting a little weary as to how much google is starting to infiltrate your life little by little? or am i just a little bit too paranoid? i dont know, call me crazy if ya like but i dont like the rate they are growing at

    : /
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