Who here thinks that Mark should be the next google, hell, he should be the next internet! Based on Marks head, we should make a new http-standard and browsers only to work on something that Mark wrote, wake up people, coke and pepsi are the same thing :D
ps. what the hell was that all about
lech: obviously you never saw the corporation. now that is a scary movie )
but, at any rate, obviously id take that stuff on with a pinch of salt. i dont buy into to every single word they are saying but i wouldnt disregard it either. obviously, that flash is purely speculation and not based on a shred of evidence but it still makes you think - "what if..."
See, there's a bit of difference between large corps and the government. As soon as you stop feeding those corps money, they start shrinking like cancer under chemo. If I feel that a corporation is doing something against the greater good, I'll happily quit paying for the services and products they provide and urge everyone else to quit using them as well.
It's a bit like getting millions of people to not buy any music for a day or a week because you dislike the RIAA, they'll feel the sting of that action. If you repeat that action for say, a month or year, they'll eventually have to downsize. At least that's the theory.
everyone, i have discovered the concept i call "search". today, i "searched" and found spare change in my couch. get in on the ground floor of a soon to be hot industry.
Gentlemen, I have trademarked and copyrighted the concept of "search" our forum member aloha has discovered.
If you have a missing item like a remote control, you are out of luck, you have to use some other method to extract your missing items, altho you are free to contact my secretary and inquire our different licensing contracts and fees.
That is all.
but, at any rate, obviously id take that stuff on with a pinch of salt. i dont buy into to every single word they are saying but i wouldnt disregard it either. obviously, that flash is purely speculation and not based on a shred of evidence but it still makes you think - "what if..."
nag thinks he lives in fear too much